Fr Benjamin Earl. "Things Invisible" Torch. May 8, 2023 Every Sunday at Mass we profess together our belief in the one God who is maker ‘of all things visible and invisible.’ Until a dozen years ago we used to say ‘all things seen and unseen’, but it was corrected to ‘visible and invisible’. There are plenty of unseen things which are nonetheless visible.
Fr Timothy Radcliffe. "The Face of God" Torch. December 27, 2022 Today’s Feast seems an impossibility. How can a human being be the mother of God? Yet the Council of Ephesus in 431 declared that Mary was the Theotokos, the God-bearer. This is more than a biological fact, that her child was truly human and truly divine. Being a mother implies more than just the physical act of giving birth. She raised and formed a child who was divine.
Mary Ortwein. "Perceptions and Perspectives" A Catholic Moment. December 10, 2022 In a communication skills training I often do, there is an activity we call “The Perspective Exercise.” Last week, in describing the activity, I used both the words “perception” and “perspective.” A student asked me, “What is the difference in the meaning of the words perception and perspective?”
Fr Euan Marley. "Seeing and Saying" Torch. December 6, 2022 Seeing and speaking may seem quite different actions, but not for God. In the book of Genesis, God says ‘let there be light’. Then he saw that the light was good. Many have discussed whom God is addressing in his speech, but the Trinity is an eternal speech, the speaking of the eternal and perfect Word of God in the breath of the Holy Spirit, the Father expressing his whole being in the Son.
Sr. Janet Hockman, MM. "Thirty-first Sunday in Ordinary Time" Maryknoll Office for Global Concerns. October 30, 2022 I was always enthralled by stories of the Marshallese sea-faring sailors who used only their knowledge of known ocean swells and stars to guide them. The attunement to nature so keen. I, myself, never tired of watching moon phases, bright planets and visible constellations from the majestically yielding and vast darkness.
Mary Ortwein. "Looking Over God’s Shoulder" A Catholic Moment. February 26, 2022 Preparation for Lent in 2010 was a watershed moment for me. My faith had been loosey-goosey for several years. In fact, for quite a while I had stopped saying St Ignatius’ Suscipe prayer (which you see above) every morning—a habit I have generally kept through my adult life.
Fr. Lawrence Obilor. "The God of Restoration" A Catholic Moment. October 24, 2021 The ancient Israelites suffered in exile as a result of their spiritual blindness and deaf ear to the oracles of the Yahweh.
John Bergsma. "20/20 Vision" The Sacred Page. October 23, 2021 My vision is terrible. Uncorrected, it’s probably much worse than 20/200.
Fr Gregory Pearson. "Seeing the Need for Salvation" Torch. October 20, 2021 Brother Vincent, a much loved brother of our Order who died a few years ago, was born with very limited vision
John Bergsma. "Sound and Light" The Sacred Page. September 4, 2021 The reality of sight and hearing are a great mystery that natural science has difficulty explaining
Fr Euan Marley. "Sometimes it is all about you" Torch. June 30, 2021 I have seen with my own eyes two people who have now been declared saints. One was Pope John Paul II in his popemobile in Glasgow
Fr Robert Ombres. "Christ the Kindly Light" Torch. March 19, 2020 There are ways and ways of seeing. In today’s Gospel, a man born blind is given sight in a doubly extraordinary way. He is given by Jesus ordinary sight, except that this gift came to him in an extraordinary way. It was by way of a miracle. Receiving sight was also for the man a sign of something else, in fact, a sign about someone else.
Fr Timothy Radcliffe. "Completing Creation" Torch. March 30, 2019 The healing of the man born blind begins in an unusual silence. The man does not ask to be healed and nor does Jesus ask him if he wants to be. The man is not yet ready to speak or to be spoken to. At that time, a blind person was seen an unfinished work of God. Jesus moulds clay, which in Hebrew is ‘adamah’, from which ‘Adam’ comes. ‘Human’ comes from humus. Jesus is completing the work of creating this ‘earthling’ and so it is appropriate that it is done on the Sabbath, when God rested after completing creation.
Joseph LaCombe. "Seeing the Big Picture" A Catholic Moment. March 30, 2019 As a father, I’m often talking with my son and instructing him on this or that. He’ll then sometimes ask “why?”, or he’ll dismiss what I am saying. I will then respond with, “well, you don’t see the big picture like I do…”, and then we’ll go on.
Joseph LaCombe. "Out of the Darkness" A Catholic Moment. October 28, 2018 I’m currently reading The Lord of the Rings by J.R.R. Tolkien, and it is such a brilliant work
Fr Martin Ganeri. "Rabbuni!" Torch. October 23, 2018 This Sunday’s Gospel passage tells us of the physical healing of a blind man. The gift of sight.
Joseph LaCombe. "Field of Vision" A Catholic Moment. July 30, 2017 The last few years, and especially this year, has been a time of discernment for me. Discernment about my purpose, about what God really wants me to do – in all aspects of my life. Discernment about what exactly is Gods will, versus what is my will. It has at times been exhausting, and yet exciting, and yes excruciating – all at the same time.
Joseph LaCombe. "As God Sees It" A Catholic Moment. March 26, 2017 I love this prayer. And it means so much more to me in recent years. I’ve included it in reflections before, and it was one of the first things that came to mind as I was reflecting upon todays readings, because it’s about us being blind in this world, and not seeing as God sees.
Fr Robert Gay. "The Vision of Faith" Torch. March 23, 2017 Today a lighter tone is introduced into our Lenten season, where purple gives way to rose, and our more sombre Entrance Antiphons are put aside, in favour of a call to rejoice. These are the unmistakable signs that we have reached Laetare Sunday, a little oasis in the midst of our penitential season, which has hints of the festivities to come. This change in tone is very important for us.
Maria Montello. "Presentation of the Lord" Maryknoll Office for Global Concerns. January 29, 2017 In today’s Gospel we hear about the presentation of Jesus at the temple, which was a Jewish religious rite of purification and offering required forty days after giving birth to a boy.
Joseph LaCombe. "The Longest Night" A Catholic Moment. December 18, 2016 He was going to divorce her. She’s pregnant, but he didn’t know how. They had not had relations. She must have been with another man, he thought. But he’s a good man, he doesn’t want her to suffer the shame and consequences that would befall a woman in that day.
Joseph LaCombe. "See the Forest" A Catholic Moment. January 31, 2016 Do you ever have something, and not realize it? Do you ever take something for granted? Do you ever misunderstand your calling, even if it is spelled out in front of you? Welcome to the human experience.
Kathy McNeely. "Epiphany" Maryknoll Office for Global Concerns. January 3, 2016 “Arise, shine; for your light has come,” proclaims Isaiah, referring to a time when people who had once been dispersed gather again. It’s the dawn of a new age, a new time in history where things are radically different from the past.
Maggie Fogarty. "Christmas Day" Maryknoll Office for Global Concerns. December 25, 2015 My husband and I and our two young children had been living in Amachuma, Bolivia for about two years when I had an experience that enabled me to recognize what it truly means to be in mission. It was Christmas time, and a local church had organized a Nativity play for the children in our village. Everyone was thrilled. There would be costumes and hot chocolate and the whole village would be there to watch the play.
Fr Lawrence Lew. "Why Stand Looking into Heaven?" Torch. May 12, 2015 A man in white, the astronaut Yuri Gagarin, reportedly said: “I went up to space, but I didn't encounter God”. But had he listened to the two men in white who spoke to the men of Galilee, he could have saved himself the trouble of seeking God up in space. “Why do you stand looking [up] into heaven?” (Acts 1:11). As another man in white said forty days earlier on Easter morning, “he is not here” (Mk 16:6). For neither down in the grave nor up in the skies will we find our God. Where, then, is Jesus? How might Man encounter God?
Fr Peter Hunter. "Why Do We Suffer?" Torch. March 30, 2014 There is something deeply mysterious about suffering. One thing is certain: ultimately, God does not want suffering for us. In Heaven, every tear will be wiped away, and when God came among us as a man, he relieved suffering. So why do we still suffer?
Laura Kazlas. "Jesus Healed a Man Born Blind" A Catholic Moment. March 30, 2014 Jesus healed a man born blind in today’s gospel reading and it is very lengthy and was recorded in great detail. Is it any wonder? What human being has ever given sight to a person that was born blind, simply by smearing a little clay on their eyes?
Debbie Northern. "Second Sunday of Ordinary Time" Maryknoll Office for Global Concerns. January 19, 2014 In today´s Gospel, John the Baptist announces to the people gathered at the Jordan River that Jesus is the long-awaited Messiah. Even though Jesus was right there in front of them, the people needed help to recognize him … and even so, many chose not to believe.
Fr. Ken Thesing, MM. "30th Sunday in Ordinary time" Maryknoll Office for Global Concerns. October 28, 2012 The followers of Jesus – the disciples as they came to be called – went through a long process of formation as they struggled to understand who Jesus was.
Fr Peter Hunter. "Seeing in Love" Torch. August 4, 2012 So says the old preacher, Ames, to his son in the book Gilead by Marilynne Robinson. It seems to me to express a deep, and strange truth.
Fr Simon Gaine. "Sharing His Vision" Torch. April 29, 2012 Why should Jesus be the one we should follow? Why should we place absolute trust in his voice among all the voices and noise we hear in our world? Why should he be the one equipped to be our Good Shepherd, the one to lead us to pasture? Our second reading proclaimed to us the promise of our ultimate goal. The glory of this final destination is something that escapes us for now. We cannot put this heaven into words that come anywhere near expressing what this renewal of our life will mean for us.
Fr Vivian Boland. "Hoping to See God" Torch. November 1, 2011 A few days before he died my father said to me ‘I know my sins but still I hope some day to see God’. He said a lot of other things in those days but I treasure these as his last words to me, a kind of legacy. They express succinctly and accurately what Christian hope means. He did not despair and he did not presume.
Fr. Aelred Connelly. "Born Blind" Torch. April 3, 2011 I am writing this sermon for the Fourth Sunday of Lent, which is Mother’s day, having recently lost both my mother and godmother on the same morning. Things will never be quite the same again.
Fr. Bruno Clifton. "Look!" Torch. December 12, 2010 The Austrian philosopher, Ludwig Wittgenstein, with this advice, was trying to get us to consider things as they are in each case and not as we think they should be or as we are used to them. When we inquire into reality, we should not presume we have understood simply through a previous suggestion or by what we expect to be the case.
Fr. Timothy Calvert. "As Easy as Climbing a Tree" Torch. October 31, 2010 There is often something essential about seeing, times when hearing by itself won’t do. When I was a little boy the Queen was driven through our town, and the entirety of the primary school was led down to the high street to welcome her. I was the only child, so my teacher said, who managed to be looking in the wrong direction when the car, at quite some speed to be fair, passed through.
Fr Dermot Morrin. "Take Heart, He Is Calling You" Torch. October 24, 2009 The character Bartimaeus leaps out from the pages of Mark’s Gospel and stays with us as we go on our way from Sunday to Sunday.
Fr. Timothy Calvert. "A New Vision" Torch. March 2, 2008 This Gospel does not tell of the healing of a blind man, as we find in the other Gospels, but of a man blind from his birth. What’s the difference? I can imagine losing sight, although it’s hard to begin to appreciate the courage it would require to live with the loss of what is so easily taken for granted.
Fr. Fergus Kerr. "Wise Men came from the East to Jerusalem" Torch. January 6, 2007 Not the only magi in the New Testament… A certain Simon, who practised ‘magic’, was converted and baptized by Philip; offered the apostles money if they would grant him authority to give people the Holy Spirit; was rebuked and repented (Acts 8:9-24) – yet is remembered mainly for ‘simony’. A certain Elymas Bar-Jesus, a Jewish prophet, is also a magos; court astrologer to the Imperial proconsul, whom he tries to prevent the apostles from converting: Paul stares him down, curses and blinds him (Acts 13:6-12).
Fr Duncan Campbell. "Believing is Seeing" Torch. October 28, 2006 The Gospel is about a beggar who was blind being instantly healed.
Fr Benjamin Earl. "Seeing the Christ" Torch. April 2, 2006 From time to time, probably, all Christians ask themselves, 'what would it have been like to have been in the gospels, to have seen Christ face to face?' Today we get our question answered. We came to know Jesus not by having met him during his life on earth. Rather we were introduced to him by reputation: those who formed us in the Christian faith told us about him. But just knowing things about Jesus is not what the Christian faith is about. We want to know and love Jesus. Having heard about him and having believed what we have heard, ultimately, we wish to see Jesus.
Ron Rolheiser, OMI. "The Danger of Riches" May 15, 2005 “Nobody gets to heaven without a letter of reference from the poor!” That’s an axiom attributed to James Forbes, the pastor of Riverside Church in New York City.
Fr David Goodill. "Seeing and Believing" Torch. April 10, 2005 You can’t help feeling sorry for Dr Watson as his friend Sherlock Holmes explains his latest piece of deduction. A stranger appears at Baker Street and Holmes reveals facts about them that astound and amaze. Later Holmes explains to Watson how he arrived at these conclusions, stressing that he possesses no special powers of observation but is merely putting into practice basic abilities of observation and deduction.
Fr David McLean. "No Explanations" Torch. March 6, 2005 In the gospel reading Jesus cures a blind man by rubbing spittle and dirt into his eyes, but the Pharisees are not happy about this. The Pharisees find it difficult to believe that the blind man has been cured. On the whole the Pharisees simply seem to be ungrateful and angry.
Fr. Brendan Slevin. "What would you see up a tree?" Torch. October 31, 2004 I don’t know what it’s like elsewhere in the world but here in sunny Scotland our television news bulletins have daily coverage of a certain presidential election. The pictures are like many election campaigns, crowds of people trying to get close to their candidate or just wanting a glimpse of him.
Ron Rolheiser, OMI. "What Is Religion All About?" November 1, 1998 There is a Jewish parable, quite famous, that runs something like this: Once upon a time there was a Rabbi who was old, wise, and very holy. One day he gathered his disciples around him and asked them this question:
Fr. George Smiga. "" Building on the Word. As people of the 21st century, it is easy for us to take for granted the importance of light. Since Thomas Edison invented the electric light bulb, we have had control over light.
Fr. George Smiga. "" Building on the Word. Mark Twain has called kindness a language that the deaf can hear, and the blind can read. What is kindness?
Fr. George Smiga. "" Building on the Word. What if you could live your life over? What if you had a second chance to live life again?
Fr. George Smiga. "" Building on the Word. There is an old Chinese tale about an emperor who wished to groom a young child to be his successor.
Bishop Robert Barron. "Answering God’s Call" Word on Fire. October 27, 2024 Friends, all three readings for this Thirtieth Sunday of Ordinary Time have a golden thread running through them
Jennifer Wakeling. "God of the ordinary" Australian Women Preach. July 7, 2024 Jennifer Wakeling is a professional musician and educator who spent many years performing as a classical pianist but whose interest has extended in more recent years to the field of theology.
Bishop Robert Barron. "See Things Differently" Word on Fire. June 16, 2024 Friends, people of faith just see things differently. They see what the nonbeliever sees—they read history and watch the news and see what’s going on in the world—but they see more than that.
Radhika Sukumar-White. "Abundant Life Now" Australian Women Preach. April 30, 2023 Rev. Radhika Sukumar-White (she/her) has been a Minister of the Word in the Uniting Church in Australia since 2016. She is a 2nd-Generation Sri Lankan Tamil Australian, and grew up in Canberra before moving to Sydney to study Physiotherapy, Music and then Theology. Radhika is passionate about leading dynamic and sacred worship, preaching and teaching, and walking alongside individuals in their life and faith journeys.
Danielle Anne Lynch. "Fourth Sunday of Lent" Australian Women Preach. March 19, 2023 Her work in systematic theology encompasses Theology, Music, and Songwriting, with particular interest in feminist and queer approaches. She also works in Mission, Liturgy, Religious Identity and Culture, and Religious Education. Danielle's book on music and theology God in Sound and Silence: Music as Theology was published in 2018.
Margaret Scharf. "Third Sunday of Advent" Australian Women Preach. December 11, 2022 Dr Margaret Scharf is a member of the Congregation of Dominican Sisters of Western Australia. She has a teaching and administrative background which was the springboard for other ministries, such as missionary work in the Solomon Islands, and the Dominican Sisters’ Motor Mission based in Morawa WA.
Patricia Gemmell. "Twenty-third Sunday of Ordinary Time" Australian Women Preach. September 4, 2022 Patricia is a wife, mother and grandmother, and semi-retired teacher of French, Latin and Italian. Her lifelong interest in theology and spirituality finally led her to formal study and she graduated with a Masters in Theology in 2014. She belongs to the Grail, an international movement and community of women, founded in the Netherlands in 1921 by Jacques van Ginneken SJ.
Lisa Bright. "The Good Samaritan: Looking with fresh eyes" Australian Women Preach. July 10, 2022 Lisa Bright is the co-director of Synodal Consulting working to empower community development and engagement within the Catholic Church and not-for-profit sector.
Kate Englebrecht. "Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time" Australian Women Preach. February 27, 2022 Kate (Master of Theology, Bachelor of Theology, DipEd, Bachelor of Arts) is currently serving as a Prison Chaplain for the Catholic Diocese of Bathurst NSW. She lives in central western NSW after several years of pastoral care work in isolated, outback communities. Kate has experience in Church leadership as a Diocesan Chancellor, Director of Mission/Identity as well as years in education, chaplaincy and mission management. Her experience in pastoral care have influenced her thinking and honed her skills to listen and speak what needs to be said.
Sr. Magdalen Mather OSB. "Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time" Australian Women Preach. January 30, 2022 Sr Magdalen entered the Benedictine Abbey at Jamberoo, NSW in 1996 and made her Solemn Monastic Profession in 2001. Since entering Sr Magdalen has studied for an MA (Theol.) which she completed in 2006 and has been certified in the formation of Prayer Companions program from Mary McKillop centre in North Sydney (1999). She has guided guests in spiritual direction for the last 21 years and has completed studies with the Global Online Benedictine Spiritual Direction Program
Katy Gilles. "Third Sunday in Ordinary Time" Australian Women Preach. January 23, 2022 Katy Gilles MA Theology BA DipEd Japanese, Steeped in the Anglican tradition with strong community involved parents
Di Langham. "Feast of Christ the King" Australian Women Preach. November 21, 2021 Reverend Di Langham writes: I have been a priest in the Diocese of Newcastle for the past 21 years.
Bishop Robert Barron. "Are You Blinded By Cities of Sin?" Word on Fire. October 24, 2021 Friends, in today’s Gospel, we hear the marvelous story of the healing of blind Bartimaeus
Jo Hart. "Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time" Australian Women Preach. October 24, 2021 Jo is a teacher, educational leader and formation facilitator. She’s a mum, a daughter, a sister, an aunty and a spouse.
Richard Rohr. "The Qualities to Look For" Center for Action and Contemplation. December 14, 2019
Richard Rohr. "Text and Commentary" Center for Action and Contemplation. May 5, 2019
Bishop Robert Barron. "The Danger of Blind Guides" Word on Fire. March 3, 2019 Our Gospel for this weekend comes from the end of the Sermon on the Plain, which is St. Luke’s version, more or less, of the Sermon on the Mount in St. Matthew’s account. Jesus has been operating as the definitive spiritual teacher here, and at the end of his address, he has some strong things to say about false spiritual teachers. Every spiritual teacher and guru is eager to tell you what’s wrong with you. But unless they’ve surrendered to Christ and found salvation in him themselves, they are absolutely in no position to help you.
Richard Rohr. "You must leave “home” to be wise" Center for Action and Contemplation. January 6, 2019
Richard Rohr. "Christ is Bigger and Older than Jesus" Center for Action and Contemplation. November 25, 2018
Bishop Robert Barron. "Coming Home from Exile" Word on Fire. October 28, 2018 Our first reading from the prophet Jeremiah treats of a theme that is basic throughout the Bible
Richard Rohr. "Littleness over Bigness" Center for Action and Contemplation. June 17, 2018
Bishop Robert Barron. "And Now I See" Word on Fire. March 26, 2017 Our Gospel story for this weekend is the narrative of the man born blind. In the Bible generally and in John particularly, sight is used as a metaphor for spiritual vision or faith. Therefore, the man born blind is every one of us, born in the state of original sin. The Church, through the sacraments, offers us the salve of Christ’s Incarnation so we might be converted, healed, baptized, and attending Mass in right praise.
Richard Rohr. "Christ the Mirror" Center for Action and Contemplation. March 19, 2017
Bishop Robert Barron. "Tell John What You See and Hear" Word on Fire. December 7, 2016 Our Gospel for this weekend is taken from the eleventh chapter of the Gospel of Matthew, where John the Baptist has been arrested and wonders from his jail cell whether Jesus “is the one or should we look for another?” When this inquiry is conveyed to Jesus, the Lord does not respond theoretically, but rather by pointing to things that are happening, namely, God’s grace is making people whole again. “Go tell John what you see and hear”.
Richard Rohr. "Seeing is Not Always Recognizing" Center for Action and Contemplation. May 8, 2016
Richard Rohr. "Christmas Mass 2015: The Great Embodiment" Center for Action and Contemplation. December 25, 2015
Bishop Robert Barron. "Master, I Want to See" Word on Fire. October 25, 2015 The story of the healing of blind Bartimaeus is a spiritual icon of enormous power.
Richard Rohr. "God cannot resist Weakness" Center for Action and Contemplation. October 25, 2015
Bishop Robert Barron. "Coming to See" Word on Fire. March 30, 2014 This week’s Gospel from John tells us the story of the man born blind. Jesus offers the blind man healing and the man accepts Jesus and is conformed to him.
Richard Rohr. "Every Expectation of Return is a Resentment in the Making" Center for Action and Contemplation. September 1, 2013
Richard Rohr. "The Return to the Ordinary" Center for Action and Contemplation. April 14, 2013
Bishop Robert Barron. "Seeing the World Anew" Word on Fire. October 28, 2012 This Sunday’s Gospel presents the extraordinary story of Christ’s healing Bartimaeus. Bartimaeus is blind.
Bishop Robert Barron. "Coming to Spiritual Vision" Word on Fire. April 3, 2011 The healing of a man blind from birth is an archetypal story of coming to spiritual vision. Sin prevents us from seeing clearly. Christ is the light and he wants us to walk in his light. But we resist. Fortunately, if we stop resisting, Christ will enable us, like Adam in Eden, to walk in easy fellowship with God.
Bishop Robert Barron. "Called From Darkness Into His Light" Word on Fire. October 25, 2009 The story of Bartimeaus is a model of the spiritual journey. The desire for Christ engenders in us spiritual healing, which is delivered in a profound illumination of Christ’s identity, the acceptance of which leads us into the Church.
Bishop Robert Barron. "On the Road" Word on Fire. April 10, 2005 The story of the two disciples on the road to Emmaus is one of the best-loved in the Biblical tradition. It speaks to us of the manner in which we come to see the risen Jesus. When we look through the lenses of the Biblical revelation and the Eucharistic mystery, Jesus comes into clear focus. This, of course, is the structure of the Mass, with its liturgy of the Word and liturgy of the Eucharist. The late great John Paul II understood this dynamic in his bones–which is why he travelled so widely to speak the word and make present the Eucharist.
Bishop Robert Barron. "The Man Born Blind" Word on Fire. March 6, 2005 Blindness is a great Biblical symbol of spiritual blindness, the darkening and distortion of our vision. Jesus salves and washes the blind man in John’s Gospel in order to restore his sight. In the same way, he washes us (in Baptism) and salves us (in the other sacraments) so that we might see with his eyes.
Bishop Robert Barron. "Breaking Open the Coffers of Your Heart" Word on Fire. January 5, 2003 The Three Wise Men see the sign, they move, they overcome opposition, and then they give the new-born King the best they have. Having walked this spiritual itinerary, they then “go back by a different route,” for no one ever comes to Christ and goes back the same way he came.
Luke 4:15 "Praise God at Church" Could we be failing at praising God because we are not appreciating Jesus’ presence?
Psalm 13:4 "Light. Sight. God. " Are we approaching each day by choosing God over earthly things?
Luke 11:31 "Pursuing Wisdom, Pursuing God" Are we aware how close God is to us and are we making the most of it?
Luke 11:16 "Demanding God" Are we ignoring the signs in our lives God is showing us?
John 1:48 "God Knows Us" Are we seeing Jesus as both human and God?
Luke 9:9 "Truly Seeing Jesus" If we don’t approach our Christian faith with sincerity in getting to know Jesus we will never see God.
Colossians 1:15 "Seeing God. Seeing Jesus." Are we getting to know Jesus so we can see God the Father?
Luke 4:20 "God Speaks" Are we focusing on Jesus the right way?
Matthew 23:3 "Attentive to God" Are we following God speaking to us through people or just a person who lacks God?
Matthew 13:58 "Responding to Jesus" Do we have enough faith to respond to God's call to us?
Psalm 19:9 "Seeing With God’s Word" Do we live in God's truth or is our view on life covered by the darkness of lies?
Exodus 14:31 "God’s Power" Are we being moved by the power and might of God or do we ignore God's miracles?
Matthew 11:20 "Jesus Reproaches" With all Jesus has done for us, are we still not responding to God's call?
Genesis 28:16 "Recognizing God" Are we open to see God in our everyday lives through scriptures and others?
Acts 12:11 "God Is With Us" Are we allowing ourselves to fall down into our fears and not be lifted up by God?
Luke 1:66 "The Hand of the Lord" Can we recognize God at work in others just like people recognized John the Baptist?