Stop Running from God’s Mission

Are we spending every part of our days spreading Jesus to the world?

Jonah 1:3

God sends Jonah on a mission to deliver a message to others but Jonah flees. Jonah decides to run away from God and God’s command. Even as God continues to reach out to Jonah, he stubbornly won’t accept God’s word. How much alike are we to Jonah?

As Christians, we have a mission from Jesus to spread the Gospel and to make disciples of all the nations. We are to spread by way of speech, our charitable acts, and as by example in the way we live. Every part of our day is meant to accomplish God’s goal. Whether we are a student, working, or taking care of the household, we are still meant to live out God’s call.

Most likely, we all center our lives on our decisions and plans. We disregard our call to evangelize. But God continues to call us, like Jonah, to turn back to him and fulfill God’s work. God sees the good in us and how we can spread the good news to others. And so God continues to try to reach us. But are we willing to finally listen?

Let us reevaluate how we orient our days? Do we wake up planning on how we are going to spread God? Do we consider how all our actions need to reflect God? Can we change how we interact with others as now a way to bring the Gospel to the world? Let us stop running away from God and do God’s will.

Tags: Evangelize, Focus, Jonah, Mission, Reject

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