Stumbling Others

Do our actions bring God to others or pushes them away from God?

2 Corinthians 6:3

Are we a stumbling block to others in their faith? We are meant to reflect the light that is God. As we are loved by God we too must share that love to others. In this way all will know God.

But there are times where we prevent people from seeing God with our actions that aren’t love. We may speak of God but if we fail to see and encounter our neighbor we are failing.

People will see our stubbornness, insults, greed, hard hearts. How then can others experience God’s compassion if we aren’t demonstrating it?

Let us make an effort to stop one bad habit today that isn’t reflective of God. Instead let us perform one act of love.

Let us say hello to a stranger. Acknowledge someone who feels invisible. Or listen to someone who needs to be heard. Let us spread God today.

Tags: Corinthians, Encourage, Evangelize, Reflect, Sin, Stumble

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