Praying for Enemies

Although it is difficult, we as Christians must love our enemies.

Matthew 5:44

Jesus tells us to pray for those who harm us. During the pain this can be hard to imagine. More so if we know they will continue to persecute us. Yet Jesus is inviting us to move beyond the suffering.

Jesus is guiding us to a resurrected life where we no longer are held down by the troubles of the world. Just as Jesus conquered death and was not bound by it, so too we are being led to life.

Central to overcoming harm is God. We must bring our problems to God. We must turn our attention no longer on our issues but to God. We no longer dwell on our miseries but on the awesomeness of God.

And that is why Jesus’ instruction on praying for those wounding us is the answer. Jesus is telling us that we must bring God into our lives. Even when pain wants to dominate our thoughts, God must stay central to our heart.

Our minds may be stuck on retaliating on our enemies but a first step may be to express this to God in prayer. Communicate our feelings, not to ourselves but to God. We should acknowledge what our persecutors did but more importantly recognize God in our prayer.

Today, let us shift our thoughts of our pain and turn them to God. Yes, address our problems but begin to dwell more on God. In doing so, may we realize the love that God is and begin to receive that love. This can move our hearts to then pray for our enemies and love them as well.

Tags: Enemy, Heal, Matthew, Pain, Prayer, Resurrection, Suffering

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