Scripture Reflections for the Third Sunday of Ordinary Time

Year B, Lectionary 68

Do we respond to God's call? If we decide to follow God's plan are we disturbed by how generous, merciful and forgiving God is towards others? In following Jesus we must learn to live like Christ and center God first in all things. We can't hold on to our own ambitions or judgments over others but must let go and let God navigate our lives.

Hate feeling lost on Sundays at church? Searching for a better explanation of the Bible than what you hear from your pastor's sermon? Check out the following collection of audio, video, and text commentaries from various Christian experts for a better understanding of today's scripture that deal with: CallChangeChosenChristianityComfortConscienceConsentDetachmentDiscipleEucharistExodusExpectationFollowFriendshipFulfillmentGatherGospelHealingHopeInterruptJeremiahJonahKingdomMarriageMercyMetanoiaMissionMoveProphecyReconciliationRepentRespondSeekSt. MarkTestifyTimeTransformationUnityVocationWayWorldZebedee

Psalm 25:4-9
Mark 1:14-20

“today's Gospel reminds us that ours is a God who disrupts, interrupts, and breaks into our ordinary lives in extraordinary ways, calling us to deeper love, more committed discipleship, and even sometimes to leave everything we know behind to pick up our nets and follow the call”

Catholic Women Preach | Marissa Papula | January 21, 2024

“holy curiosity, the grace to respond to God's invitation because you're curious to see where God will lead you next and what God might accomplish through you”

Catholic Women Preach | Ellie Hidalgo | January 21, 2018

“you are a child of God and once you make peace with that reality then you can make peace with the fact that all of us are sisters and brothers of one heavenly father who made us into one family to go to one heaven”

St. Teresa of Avila - DC | Monsignor Raymond East | January 24, 2021

“We're very content to come on Saturday or Sunday and worship Jesus on our day off but what if he shows up at your workplace? Will it be awkward? What if he shows up on a Tuesday or a Wednesday or a Thursday and he asks you to put down your work for a moment and follow him a little closer?”

Holy Name of Jesus Church & Loyola Ministry | "When Christ Interrupts" | Fr. Mark E. Thibodeaux, SJ | January 21, 2024

“one point that we pick as followers of Christ from the first four Apostles is the immediate response, the immediate reaction to the call from Christ”

Fr. Emmanuel Ochigbo | January 21, 2021

“Not every vocation is the same. Not every calling is the same. Right? But they are all meant for the same purpose. We are called to pull together to build up God's Kingdom, that beloved community, right here right now”

Saint Katharine Drexel Parish - Boston, MA | Fr. Oscar Pratt | January 21, 2024

“Mark's very concise narrative can give you the impression that this is the first time Jesus has ever met Peter, this is the first time Jesus ever met Andrew...but John's Gospel, as is always the case, supplements the information that we know from the synoptics”

Catholic Productions | "The Kingdom of God Is at Hand" | Brant Pitre | January 18, 2021

“whenever you see strange imagery or unusual expressions in the New Testament a lot of time they are, a lot of times they are allusions to the Old Testament...and in this case Jesus is alluding to a prophecy from the book of Jeremiah”

Catholic Productions | "Fishers of Men and the New Exodus" | Brant Pitre | March 5, 2021
Overall Readings

“The disciples failed again and again and Jesus still promises to go ahead of them and he invites them to follow him. And can you if you fail begin again? The end of Mark’s story is the beginning of discipleship.”

"Repent and believe in the good news" | Fr. Geoffrey Plant | January 14, 2024

“That is a commitment that Jesus is requiring of us, to trust that what he has brought for us will be the true source of hope, be the true source of happiness, be the true source of fulfillment”

Fr. Emmanuel Ochigbo | January 15, 2024

“Have you ever been called to something that disrupted your life? Something that you were afraid of? Something that you weren't sure of and you resisted? Of course we have. That's human.”

UACatholic | Fr. John Paul Forté, OP | January 24, 2021

“What do you need to leave behind in order to follow Christ more closely?...I'm convinced that the answer lies in the process of the heart in discernment so that we may clearly hear God's call separate from all the naysaying that our brains and the world may throw at us”

Catholic Women Preach | Mumbi Kigutha, CPPS | January 12, 2021

“God asks a lot of his friends, God asked a lot of the disciples”

Holy Name of Jesus Church & Loyola Ministry | "JONAH" | Fr. Mark E. Thibodeaux, SJ | January 24, 2021