Scripture Reflections for the Second Sunday of Ordinary Time

Year B, Lectionary 65

God is calling us but are we recognizing the divine when God approaches? We may find ourselves comfortable in our current spiritual situation, sleeping like Samuel by the ark of God or already studying from a great teacher like John the Baptist. But while we would like to contain God in our circumstances Jesus walks by inviting us to journey with him. No longer dependent on what our spiritual instructors teach us but having a personal relationship with God that we each need to have.

Hate feeling lost on Sundays at church? Searching for a better explanation of the Bible than what you hear from your pastor's sermon? Check out the following collection of audio, video, and text commentaries from various Christian experts for a better understanding of today's scripture that deal with: AttentionBodyCallCommandmentConscienceDiscernDiscipleEvangelizeFollowHomeIdentityJohn the BaptistLambLeadListenManifestNameOvercomePassoverPersonalProphetPurposeRecognizeRelationshipResideRespondResponseSamuelSleepSt. AndrewSt. PeterTeacherUnityVocationVoice

Psalm 40:2, 4, 7-10
1 Corinthians 6:13-15, 17-20
Catholic Productions • Jan 13 ʼ21

“according to Paul, right, if you were baptized, if you have faith then your body belongs to Christ and he paid for it with the infinitely valuable price of his blood which makes any desecration of the Christian body that much more serious, that much more grave”

Brant Pitre in "Glorify the Lord with Your Body"
John 1:35-42
Catholic Productions • Feb 12 ʼ21

“what John tells us is that Jesus already knew who Peter was and what his role was going to be from the very first time they encountered one another”

Brant Pitre in "Jesus Encounters Andrew and Simon"
Catholic Productions • Dec 23 ʼ20

“In order to be a follower of Jesus you don't just have to believe 'hey, he is the Lamb of God', you have to remain with him, you have to stay with him, you have to abide in him”

Brant Pitre in "Jesus and the Disciples of John the Baptist"
Saint Katharine Drexel Parish - Boston, MA • Jan 14 ʼ24

“Do you have something to share? Do you have a message to give? Is there a lesson that we have learned that we can pass on and teach to another generation?”

Fr. Oscar Pratt
Holy Name of Jesus Church & Loyola Ministry • Jan 17 ʼ21

“Can we be like St. Andrew? Can we be known for the one who always brings people to Jesus and are we willing to do that in such a way that, that no one even notices who we are? That everyone's attention is on Jesus Christ himself.”

Fr. Mark E. Thibodeaux, SJ
Overall Readings
Jan 07 ʼ24

“The evangelist John is not only directing that question to Andrew and his companion, he is also addressing his readers. And isn’t that one of the most fundamental questions that we can ask? 'What at this stage of my life am I seeking? What do I truly desire?'”

Fr. Geoffrey Plant in "Behold, the Lamb of God"
Jan 08 ʼ24

“before we rush into doing what everybody wants us to do let us take a step back and go to God in prayer to ask the Holy Spirit to open our eyes, to grant us the grace to journey into ourselves to discover our true identity as the children of God and to live a life that is based on that identity”

Fr. Emmanuel Ochigbo
UACatholic • Jan 14 ʼ24

“Today's readings remind you and me that God is always at work in many places and in many people, calling, inspiring, healing and sustaining. We only need to come and we will see.”

Fr. John Paul Forté, OP
Catholic Women Preach • Jan 04 ʼ24

“We must not restrain our lips, we are all called to speak out even when it's uncomfortable. Especially when it's uncomfortable. After all that's what Jesus did time and time again.”

Laura Boysen-Aragón
U.S. Catholic magazine • Jan 10 ʼ24

“I may not know the details of where God is calling me but it is enough to say 'here I am' and trust God for the rest”

Allison Connelly-Vetter
St. Teresa of Avila - DC • Jan 14 ʼ24

“we exist, the church exists in order to manifest the Lord and another word for manifesting the Lord, epiphania or manifest, is to evangelize. We've got to tell the world about Jesus.”

Monsignor Raymond East
Jan 14 ʼ21

“I pray for you as I pray for myself on this day that in the midst of all the noise going around that God may grant us the grace to listen attentively to identify the voice of God, the grace to detach ourselves from past identify the true Lamb of God”

Fr. Emmanuel Ochigbo
Holy Name of Jesus Church & Loyola Ministry • Jan 14 ʼ24

“Perhaps you've been waiting to hear the voice of God and he's been trying again and again to reach you as he did with Samuel but it's so ordinary you didn't recognize it”

Fr. Mark E. Thibodeaux, SJ in "The Ordinary Voice of God"
Jan 14 ʼ24

“And so when we think about it the one thing we know is that the world is hungering for Jesus and it is our job to bring him wherever we may be.”

Fr. Tony Ricard
Catholic Women Preach • Jan 17 ʼ21

“So as we begin to emerge from isolation and division can we pause to listen to the stirrings of our hearts?”

Jeanne Fielding Lord