Scripture Reflections for the Fifth Sunday of Lent

Year B, Lectionary 35

When our hour comes are we prepared to let go and produce fruit for God? Are we able to read the signs and know when we are called to be obedient in our journey to Calvary? Only by being attentive and making room for God can we receive God's law into our hearts and endure past the wordly suffering into God's glory.

Hate feeling lost on Sundays at church? Searching for a better explanation of the Bible than what you hear from your pastor's sermon? Check out the following collection of audio, video, and text commentaries from various Christian experts for a better understanding of today's scripture that deal with: AcknowledgeApproachBloodCareCommunionCovenantCrossDeadlineDeathDiscipleEnvironmentEucharistExorcismFollowForgiveGentilesGloryGrainGreekHeartHelpHoly SpiritHopeHourIdentityInscriptionLawLentLonelinessLoveNeighborObedienceOfferingOrdinationPassionPassoverPerfectPriestProgressProphecyRecognizeRelationshipReleaseSacrificeSalvationServiceSightSt. AndrewSt. PhilipStruggleSufferingTrinityWheat

Psalm 51:3-4, 12-15
Hebrews 5:7-9
Catholic Productions • Mar 24 ʼ21

“through the eyes of faith the letter to the Hebrews is revealing to us that what looks like an execution is actually an ordination”

Brant Pitre in "Jesus' Priestly Ordination"
John 12:20-33
Mar 11 ʼ24

“What is that relationship, that comfort zone, that habit, that thing in me, about me that I need to let go of in order to yield fruits, in order to get to something greater?”

Fr. Emmanuel Ochigbo
Holy Name of Jesus Church & Loyola Ministry • Mar 16 ʼ24

“everyone’s moment of Calvary, of self-sacrifice, everyone’s hour is a bit different but everyone has their hour. Christ calls each one of us to follow him up the hill of Calvary.”

Fr. Mark E. Thibodeaux, SJ in "When your Hour comes"
Mar 18 ʼ21

“I pray for you as I pray for myself on this day that God may grant us the grace to recognize…what each hour is meant for and to make the best of each hour so as to bring about the fulfillment of God's best purpose for each one of us through Christ our Lord”

Fr. Emmanuel Ochigbo
Saint Katharine Drexel Parish - Boston, MA • Mar 21 ʼ21

“if we not only see but know him, should we not be able to show him to others?”

Fr. Oscar Pratt
Mar 17 ʼ24

“We know when we look back we realize that indeed all of us are challenged to walk that journey of faith, all of us are challenged to see if we truly believe what we say we believe especially in those darkest hours”

Fr. Tony Ricard
Saint Katharine Drexel Parish - Boston, MA • Mar 17 ʼ24

“The Son of man will be lifted up, did he take you with him?”

Fr. Oscar Pratt
Catholic Productions • Mar 16 ʼ21

“he's using imagery here both from the wheat but also just from the language of losing your life to try to teach that message to disciples, to try to open up the mystery of the cross to them”

Brant Pitre in "Jesus' Hour"
Catholic Productions • Jun 10 ʼ21

“he's revealing to us that Jesus himself saw his cross as like the great cosmic exorcism of the world”

Brant Pitre in "The Great Cosmic Exorcism"
Overall Readings
Mar 10 ʼ24

“Now here’s a fine vocation for every one of us, to be like Philip and Andrew, someone who brings people to Jesus”

Fr. Geoffrey Plant in "Those who love their life will lose it"
Catholic Women Preach • Mar 17 ʼ24

“Why are we so afraid then to hit the delete button of hurt, hate and guilt from our hearts and minds? Are we afraid of a new start or a new beginning?”

Susan Nchubiri, MM
Église catholique à Montréal • Mar 17 ʼ21

“We cannot forget that God is all merciful and all loving so it's never too late to re-engage not just with your hopes and dreams for Lent but beyond that, in your desire to continue to draw nearer to God and that is a lifetime journey”

Cynthia Paginado
St. Teresa of Avila - DC • Mar 21 ʼ21

“What is it about your life that attracts people? Can they see something going on? Can they feel the love coming from your heart?”

Monsignor Raymond East
Catholic Women Preach • Mar 18 ʼ18

“It is in the sacredness of the daily where we too learn obedience, where we learn not to be afraid neither of the new nor of the ordinary, where we become willing to risk loving in such a way that we too might even be accused of being a follower of Christ”

Jessica Kerber, aci
Catholic Women Preach • Mar 21 ʼ21

“God has this magnetizing love that will not rest until we are completely wrapped up in him, all of our hopes and all of our sorrows too”

Grace Salceanu