Scripture Reflections for the Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Year B, Lectionary 104

God is sending us on a mission to spread God's Kingdom but in order to take Jesus to others we must let go of worldly concerns and possessions. We are to depend on God and the Church community of those walking with us and those who receive us. With such empowerment we can preach God's truth, asking others to repent from their sins and return to God. This is how the prophet Amos can confront the worldly institutions and authorities because he is seeing through God's plan.

Hate feeling lost on Sundays at church? Searching for a better explanation of the Bible than what you hear from your pastor's sermon? Check out the following collection of audio, video, and text commentaries from various Christian experts for a better understanding of today's scripture that deal with: ApostleBaptismBlessingBurdenCallCharismChoiceChurchCommitmentCommunityCreationDetachmentDiscipleEvangelizationEvangelizeFreedomGospelHistoryHolyHospitalityJourneyJusticeLearnLoveMessengerMiracleMissionOrdinationPreachPriestPriorityProphetRejectRelationshipReligionRepentSecuritySentSinSummonThanksgivingVocation

Psalm 85:9-14
Ephesians 1:3-14
Mark 6:7-13
Jul 11 ʼ24

“we put our best foot forward and after that everything else is outside of our control, so we go with God”

Angelo Kurbanali in "World on fire"
Catholic Women Preach • Jul 14 ʼ24

“God needs my voice, my compassion for my neighbors, my experience as a lay minister in the Church and he needs your voice, your compassion, your bravery to be Jesus's hands and feet in the world”

Katie Laskey
UACatholic • Jul 14 ʼ24

“That's what Good News is all about, it's not about rules and regulations that hammer people, it's about principles in life that free us and that call us to be better”

Fr. John Paul Forté, OP
Catholic Productions • Mar 23 ʼ23

“notice that the essence of Christian preaching, the heart of it, is the call to repentance”

Brant Pitre in "Repentance and the New Evangelization"
Overall Readings
Jul 07 ʼ24

“For the Christian the summons is primary. We must first come and be with the Lord. It is only then that we are sent.”

Fr. Geoffrey Plant in "Summoned and sent forth"
Jul 08 ʼ24

“A Christian should go to the same school as everybody, the same shop, travel in the same plane...but people should be able to tell something positively different about the Christian even without the Christian announcing themselves as Christians”

Fr. Emmanuel Ochigbo
UACatholic • Jul 11 ʼ21

“God sometimes sees things in us that we don't see and we have to take, and we have to show up for that and allow God to do great things through us, great things that we don't even know about”

Fr. John Paul Forté, OP
U.S. Catholic magazine • Jul 08 ʼ24

“May we recognize the true prophets in our communities and rather than banishing them like Amos, lend them our ears, our hands, our help”

Jennifer Vosters
St. Teresa of Avila - DC • Jul 11 ʼ21

“We don’t preach ourselves, we preach Christ Jesus and him crucified”

Monsignor Raymond East in "God has called me"
Saint Katharine Drexel Parish - Boston, MA • Jul 14 ʼ24

“It’s God’s word, God’s love, God’s law, God’s will that is supposed to be what is being uttered from our mouths”

Fr. Oscar Pratt
St. Teresa of Avila - DC • Jul 14 ʼ24

“let's come and ask God, ‘God make our world the way you want it to be because you shaped us, you formed us, we give you everything Lord’”

Monsignor Raymond East
Jul 06 ʼ21

“There is no one that is mission-less here on Earth. God has given to each one of us a unique assignment to carry on here on Earth.”

Fr. Emmanuel Ochigbo
U.S. Catholic magazine • Jul 06 ʼ21

“it's only through our living relationship with God that we're able to say ‘yes’ to the presence of God and respond to the Holy Spirit's call to our mission”

Alessandra Harris
Catholic Women Preach • Jul 11 ʼ21

“The gospel shares with us today that our authority is not in doctrine or canon or religious rule, it is in love. A transformative love that we embody and that we have the ability and the responsibility to share.”

Natalie Terry
Catholic Women Preach • Jun 27 ʼ18

“These readings invite every one of us today to be missionary disciples...It's far too easy to slide by and think ‘yes, that's true but not me’ or ‘not today’ but God calls each one of us and the invitation is now”

Heidi Cerneka
Holy Name of Jesus Church & Loyola Ministry • Jul 11 ʼ21

“Jesus wants to teach the disciples that they can rely on God alone and if they rely on God alone extraordinary things will happen”

Fr. Mark E. Thibodeaux, SJ in "TAKE NOTHING FOR THE JOURNEY"
Jul 11 ʼ21

“Far too often we forget why God made us, thus we also forget our ultimate goal which is to be happy with him in the world that is to come”

Fr. Tony Ricard