Scripture Reflections for the Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Year B, Lectionary 101

True strength comes from God. When we allow the Spirit to enter us then we can speak God's Word, prophesying to the world. But we often choose not to weaken our ego and we let our pride, our way of seeing things to reject the divine. If we think we can define Jesus as we see fit and only see him as we understand then we prevent any mighty deeds from happening in our lives.

Hate feeling lost on Sundays at church? Searching for a better explanation of the Bible than what you hear from your pastor's sermon? Check out the following collection of audio, video, and text commentaries from various Christian experts for a better understanding of today's scripture that deal with: AcceptAcceptanceAddictionAdorationAmazeCallChangeCloseControlCourageCreationDevilDivineDoubtEvangelizeFailureFaithFamiliarFreedomFriendshipGraceHumilityIdolatryIndependenceInterpretLabelingLoveMissionMisunderstoodNazarethNegativityPersistPowerPrayerPreachPridePriestProphetReceiveRecognizeRejectRelationshipSightStrengthStruggleSufferingUnderstandWeakness

Ezekiel 2:2-5
Psalm 123:1-4
2 Corinthians 12:7-10
Mark 6:1-6
Jun 30 ʼ24

“We’re told that they took offence at him. How could a carpenter say the things that he is saying and do the things that we’ve heard he’s done? They believe the ordinary excludes the extraordinary.”

Fr. Geoffrey Plant in "And they would not accept him"
Holy Name of Jesus Church & Loyola Ministry • Jul 04 ʼ21

“if we feel like God is not fully present, if we haven't heard from God in a while it's because we're not hearing, not that God isn't there”

Saint Katharine Drexel Parish - Boston, MA • Jul 07 ʼ24

“Do we allow ourselves to see our brother in our midst?”

Fr. Oscar Pratt
Catholic Productions • Mar 02 ʼ23

“the central focus of this passage from Mark's gospel is what I would call the scandal of Jesus's humanity. The scandal of particularity, the fact that the Nazarenes, the people of Nazareth, have a hard time accepting Jesus as a prophet and as a miracle worker...over the fact that they knew him when he was growing up.”

Brant Pitre in "The Stumbling Block of Jesus' Humanity"
Overall Readings
St. Martin de Porres Catholic Church, Philadelphia • Jul 08 ʼ18

“You see, in the eyes of God, strength, greatness and power really come by being humble and clinging, and leaning, leaning on the everlasting arm of Jesus”

Fr. Stephen Thorne in "Greatness, Strength, & Power"
Catholic Women Preach • Jul 07 ʼ24

“Know others well enough and remain open for surprises, remain open to the presence of God in our midst”

Bonnie LeMelle Abadie
UACatholic • Jul 04 ʼ21

“If faith is to make our lives better we cannot be afraid. We have to be open to whatever it calls us move beyond the borders that sometimes we set for ourselves that are so comfortable but that are not allowing us to live”

Fr. John Paul Forté, OP
UACatholic • Jul 07 ʼ24

“Friendship, people of God, is what allows us not to be hindered by our ‘thorns of the flesh’”

Fr. John Paul Forté, OP

“Part of the message that God has given us today is simply this: be true to who you are and let God be God”

Fr. Tony Ricard
Jun 28 ʼ21

“There seems to be so much emphasis on ‘freedom from’ that hardly do we pay attention to ‘freedom for’”

Fr. Emmanuel Ochigbo
Catholic Women Preach • Jul 04 ʼ21

“we are not responsible for the response of our ministry or how others perceive our ministry but rather we are held responsible for our own faithfulness in carrying out God's call to minister to all living things”

Emily Southerton
Catholic Women Preach • Jun 19 ʼ18

“Let's be a little more clear about this call to be prophet, you certainly know that it's not about foretelling the future though it is about naming the consequences of one's actions”

Sallie Latkovich, CSJ
St. Martin de Porres Catholic Church, Philadelphia • Jul 04 ʼ21

“God is always drawing us to himself, God always speaks but do we listen? And when he speaks do we learn? And when we learn do we live what we heard?”

Fr. Addisalem Mekonnen