Scripture Reflections for the Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time

Year A, Lectionary 79

DON'T THINK that turning the other cheek is about letting yourself be walked on. Or putting up with abuse. It's not! Yes, some may say it's about confronting injustice or standing up to abusive people. BUT IT'S SO MUCH MORE. The readings for the 7th Sunday in Ordinary Time are calling us to be holy like God is holy. We are called to be like God. And if God is love then we must reflect love too. It's HARD to turn the other cheek. It's hard to go that extra mile. Much less to love and pray for our enemies. But that's what Jesus calls us to do. Because Christ did turn the other cheek. Christ did walk that extra mile. Christ did pray and love.

Hate feeling lost on Sundays at church? Searching for a better explanation of the Bible than what you hear from your pastor's sermon? Check out the following collection of audio, video, and text commentaries from various Christian experts for a better understanding of today's scripture that deal with: CommandmentCompassionCorrectEnemyFollowForgiveGenerosityHistoryHolyJusticeLoveMandelaNeighborNon-violencePerfectionPoliticsPrayerReconciliationTempleUnityViolence

Leviticus 19:1-2, 17-18
Psalm 103:1-4, 8, 10, 12-13
1 Corinthians 3:16-23

“And therefore, if the Church is really the new Temple of God it too has to have both holiness, it needs to be set apart - that's one of the marks of the Church, but it also needs to have oneness. It needs to have unity.”

Brant Pitre in "You Are God's Temple"
Matthew 5:38-48

“Notice what we're seeing here. The pattern in each one of these is you respond to injury with generosity. You respond to insult with an unexpected generosity.”

Brant Pitre in "Overcome Evil With Good"
Mar 20 ʼ20

“No matter what you feel about someone who's hurt you, if you pray for them, if you ask the Lord to bless bring about their repentance, to give them life and health, that is an act of love. To pray for someone else is to take your precious time and use it for their benefit and for their good and that alone is an act of love.”

Brant Pitre in "Love Your Neighbor....and Your Enemies"

“Jesus is not talking about wounded bodies here, he's talking about wounded pride”

Fr. Mark E. Thibodeaux, SJ

“The message here is that as Christians we should correct people in a way that does not make us as bad as the one we wish to correct. Correction should not be from the standpoint of satisfying our anger and carrying out vengeance.”

Fr. Emmanuel Ochigbo

“As the context of today’s gospel makes clear, “be perfect” means to demonstrate a complete love. A love that expresses itself toward enemies as well as toward family members. This is the kind of love our heavenly Father has.”

Fr. Geoffrey Plant in "Love your enemies"

“I've learned that being perfect is a slow process. It happens when I'm open to the inspirations of God's spirit and willing to have my assumptions challenged.”

Sr. Eileen Reilly, SSND
Overall Readings

“The call to participate in God's holiness has often been misunderstood as a call to hate our enemies, to annihilate those who persecute us. Whether this involves destroying someone's reputation, stripping them of power or harboring deep loathing towards them...But let's be clear, holiness has nothing to do with hatred.”

Nichole M. Flores

“The gospel message Christ is telling us is for everyone. Not for the elect, not only for those in power but even for those who are other than us. Because in the end no one is other. And so Jesus takes the passage from Leviticus and further unfolds it calling us to divine perfection.”

David Russell Mosley

“he is calling us to radical, creative, nonviolent love that strips the oppressor of control, restores the dignity of the one oppressed, and opens the door to a transformation of the relationship”

Emily Cortina

“the more we resemble God the holier we are”

Monsignor Raymond East