Scripture Reflections for the Seventh Sunday of Easter

Year A, Lectionary 59

Jesus always remained in relationship with God the Father. Prayer is a way to express that relationship and in praying Jesus is bringing us into communion with the Holy Trinity. Like the early church who awaited the Holy Spirit we too are to remain united in prayer awaiting God to guide us.

Hate feeling lost on Sundays at church? Searching for a better explanation of the Bible than what you hear from your pastor's sermon? Check out the following collection of audio, video, and text commentaries from various Christian experts for a better understanding of today's scripture that deal with: ChurchDiscipleFarewellGiftGloryHoly SpiritLifeMaryMissionPassionPrayerPriestRelationshipSkySufferingWait

Acts 1:12-14
Psalm 27:1, 4, 7-8
1 Peter 4:13-16
John 17:1-11
Catholic Productions • May 31 ʼ23

“So he's gathering up both the Feast of Passover into his passion, death and resurrection through the words and the Passover at the Last Supper and he's gathering up the kind of prayer and sacrifice and intercession that you see from the Jewish Day of Atonement into his Paschal Mystery as well”

Brant Pitre in "Jesus' High Priestly Prayer and the Day of Atonement"
Saint Katharine Drexel Parish - Boston, MA • May 21 ʼ23

“Jesus knows the temptations. Jesus is aware of the struggles. Jesus understands the burdens we bear. His incarnation offered him a deep...resonance with our life experience.”

Damian Torres-Botello, SJ
May 15 ʼ23

“Pope Francis was elected to the papacy at the age of 76. John XXIII, Benedict XVI and Francis remind us that God is a God of surprises and that there is no statute of limitation on the call to discipleship. We are, indeed, shaped by God’s spirit for service.”

Fr. Geoffrey Plant in "The hour has come"