Scripture Reflections for the Second Sunday of Lent

Year A, Lectionary 25

Jesus gave a glimpse of his glory and divinity to his followers at the Transfiguration. But first Jesus led them up for private time (prayer) with God and then led them back down to earth to continue their journey and work. Are we, however, letting ourselves be led like Abraham by God to a promised land we do not know but can only hope for? Can we make time for God to illuminate the path we must take?

Hate feeling lost on Sundays at church? Searching for a better explanation of the Bible than what you hear from your pastor's sermon? Check out the following collection of audio, video, and text commentaries from various Christian experts for a better understanding of today's scripture that deal with: AbrahamBlessingCallCommunityDiscipleshipElijahExodusFaithFearFocusGraceHolyHopeInterruptionJourneyLentLightListenLoveMissionMosesMountainNeighborPeterPrayerRevelationSalvationSufferingTheophanyTransfigurationTransformationVocationWorks

Psalm 33:4-5, 18-20, 22
2 Timothy 1:8-10
Mar 02 ʼ20

“Through baptism, dying and rising with Christ a person is configured to Christ crucified and resurrected. And so each individual person, each individual Christian as a member of the body of Christ, for Paul, has a certain share in the sufferings of Christ.”

Brant Pitre in "Saved by Grace through Faith, Not by Works"
Matthew 17:1-9
Holy Name of Jesus Church & Loyola Ministry • Aug 06 ʼ20

“go climb that lonely mountain and ask for God the Father to come and visit you and see if you don't experience it that same way as a luminous cloud, a cloud that clouds your physical senses but that brightens and opens up your heart and your soul so that you can once again listen to the word of the Lord”

Fr. Mark E. Thibodeaux, SJ
Saint Katharine Drexel Parish - Boston, MA • Aug 06 ʼ23

“on this beautiful Feast day, the Transfiguration of Jesus of Nazareth to show us who he is as the Christ. He says 'let me show you too all things can be transfigured into the glory of God right now' if we but listen to him.”

Fr. Oscar Pratt
Jul 31 ʼ23

“The Transfiguration happened to teach the Apostles that life is a full package and God is in all the parts”

Fr. Emmanuel Ochigbo
Catholic Women Preach • Aug 06 ʼ23

“The Transfiguration served as a kind of gut check for the early Church where they could tap into their inmost being and remember their experience with Jesus the Christ. They could feel it in their guts, that unmistakable knowing that something has happened within us and this something is sacred.”

Julie Vieira, IHM
Aug 06 ʼ23

“How many times in our lives has God given us a chance to see him glorified right before our eyes?”

Fr. Tony Ricard
Feb 26 ʼ23

“The heavenly visitors have departed but Jesus remains. Jesus alone. Jesus is the tabernacle, he is the abiding presence of God now among us, to lead us on a new and greater exodus.”

Fr. Geoffrey Plant in "He was transfigured"
Mar 09 ʼ20

“up to this point he's only shown them, in a sense, the veil of his humanity, right. They see him eat, they see him drink, they see him get tired but now he's showing them, not only is he fully man but he's also a divine person. He's the glorious son of the Father.”

Brant Pitre in "The Transfiguration"
Mar 05 ʼ23

“God desires nothing that comes from ignorance but is constantly educating us so that we might grow in that love that builds a true family”

Fr. Oscar Pratt
Mar 10 ʼ17

“Sometimes just when we think that things are going well or turning around...we encounter a crevice or a canyon that comes between us and our goals and our dreams. And sometimes it even comes between us and what we think God wants us to do. Sometimes it makes no sense and it's really hard and yet we can't avoid the mountains.”

Laurie Jurecki
Overall Readings
Mar 05 ʼ23

“Sometimes a theophany is just a sense of deep peace that everything is okay in the universe. Or a sense of inexplicable joy. Maybe it's a sense of joy even knowing that everything is not okay in the universe. But it's a deep sense of peace and joy.”

Fr. Mark E. Thibodeaux, SJ in "Theophany"
Feb 27 ʼ23

“What is God telling you? If he's asking you to give up something, even when it is not bad in itself, listen to him. For God will not tell you to let go of something if he does not have something better ahead for you.”

Fr. Emmanuel Ochigbo
Mar 05 ʼ23

“We, the people of God, are also invited into the rhythm of the Paschal journey which first begins with our receiving blessings to then become blessings ourselves...and then we encounter the cry of the poor, the lonely, and the oppressed...we continue to walk into the land that God shows us, as eternally present pilgrims, as a gift to others.”

Jung Eun Sophia Park, SNJM
Feb 17 ʼ20

“He is our example of being called, being loved and responding with courage. The more we listen to Jesus and pattern our lives after his commitment the more we transform into people of love and hope.”

Lauren M. Schwer
Mar 08 ʼ20

“we become fixated on the things that we gave up rather than the point of why we do them. Because the point is to free ourselves, to realize that there's nothing, there's no food, no drink, no material good, nothing that will truly satisfy what it means to be human except for God.”

Fr. David Fisher
Mar 05 ʼ23

“In order to go up God's mountain, we've got to listen and wait for Jesus to give us marching instructions”

Monsignor Raymond East