Luke 6:46
Jesus questions why our actions do not match our words. Why do we call upon Jesus when we are refusing to follow God’s lead? If we are to call Jesus our Lord, what do we think it means? Should we not be submitting to Jesus’ instruction?
Jesus instructs us to love God and our neighbors. Neighbors include our enemies. To be as loving and merciful as God is. To reject this command is to reject Jesus. We cannot with our words claim to be servants of God and not listen to God.
Do we accept Jesus as our Lord? Can we submit to Jesus’ command to love? In what ways are we failing to uphold God’s guidance?
Let us continue calling on the Lord. More especially if we know we have failed to keep God’s commandments. Let us reach out to Jesus to lead us past our shortcomings and in line with God’s love. We may not completely fulfill God’s command but let us continue to cling to Jesus for God’s mercy and guidance.
How aware are we that to know God is to express love to others?
If we are Christians, are we spending time in prayer as Jesus did?
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Questioning our understanding of Jesus as Christ/Messiah
Fr. Mark Thibodeaux, SJ has been a spiritual director for many years and he shares his work on bringing others closer to Jesus Christ. What is spiritual direction? Where can you find a spiritual director? Listen as Fr. Thibodeaux explains what it entails, what it's not and how you can also get spiritual direction.