God Provides

Are we still trusting in God despite our concerns, fears, and opposition?

Genesis 22:8

Isaac questioned Abraham about what was happening. Abraham answered to trust God. And both continued forward together. It is how our journey is meant to look like.

We are meant to observe, think, question what is happening in our lives. Even when we’re about to face harm or death. But eventually we are meant to rely not on ourselves but on God. When we walk in faith we are never alone.

Despite any difference of opinions we may have when God-fearing people walk in faith we are meant to walk together. Abraham didn’t force Isaac by dragging him. Isaac didn’t follow hesitantly behind. In faith they continued ahead in God’s path together.

What challenge are we sensing in our lives? Are we questioning why certain things are happening the way they are? Are we understanding that we need to have faith that God will provide? Can we begin to move forward with God’s plan for us?

Tags: Community, Faith, Genesis, Rely, Trust

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