Scripture Reflections for the Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Year C, Lectionary 84

Hate feeling lost on Sundays at church? Searching for a better explanation of the Bible than what you hear from your pastor's sermon? Check out the following collection of audio, video, and text commentaries from various Christian experts for a better understanding of today's scripture that deal with: BlameDeathDiscipleDorothy DayFocusFruitGuideHateHumilityHypocriteJudgmentLeadLearnLovePraisePrideReconciliationRepentResurrectionShareSightSinSpeechSt. Katharine DrexelTeachTransformationWisdom

Sirach 27:4-7
Psalm 92:2-3, 13-16
1 Corinthians 15:54-58
Brant Pitre in "The Resurrected Body"
Luke 6:39-45

“it's essential that we make a clear distinction; discovering the true self is not the same as selfism”

Fr. Geoffrey Plant in "Hypocrite!"

“It's very easy to hate other people's sin with passion. It's much more difficult to learn to hate your own sin far more than you hate anyone else's and that's really what Jesus is trying to teach us to do”

Brant Pitre in "Out of the Abundance of the Heart His Mouth Speaks"

“we would want to be beamless not only to serve the ones that we love who are looking up to us but even to serve our enemy”

Fr. Mark E. Thibodeaux, SJ

“I'm not in charge of the fruit bearing. I'm not in charge of the productivity. I'm tasked with being the connector, the channel, of God's grace”

Jaclyn Newns

“it is the inside we have to work on. That's why we have to pray. That's why we have to continue to ask God to form us, to strengthen us on the inside.”

Fr. Stephen Thorne in "Multi-Cultural Sunday"
Overall Readings

“it is in adversity that the inner disposition is revealed. So difficulties do not change people rather difficulties reveal the true nature of people”

Fr. Emmanuel Ochigbo

“loving my neighbors...has almost nothing to do with judging them or trying to fix them but it most certainly has to do with looking at myself. Considering what needs remedy in my own mindset, my own pride, my own pettiness, my own politics”

Jennifer Theby-Quinn

“in our words and actions we show not only the care others have generously given us but also the care we have put into cultivating ourselves”

John Christman, S.S.S.

“when somebody makes that transition towards the kingdom of heaven we understand that you feel the pain of loss but if that's the only thing you feel, if that's the only thing that stays on your mind then maybe you don't believe what we say we believe”

Fr. Tony Ricard

“I think we slowly can become blind in which we don't seek the Lord. And the seeking of the Lord is seeing him as truth.”

Fr. Addisalem Mekonnen