Year C, Lectionary 75
God calls us to fulfill God's mission throughout our lives. Jesus invites us to use our God-given talents for his purposes. To turn our earthly abilities for divine work. We may feel unworthy but because Jesus remains in our boat, it is not a matter of our worth but our cooperation with God.
Hate feeling lost on Sundays at church? Searching for a better explanation of the Bible than what you hear from your pastor's sermon? Check out the following collection of audio, video, and text commentaries from various Christian experts for a better understanding of today's scripture that deal with: Abundance • Call • Calling • Capture • Church • Conversion • Cooperate • Cross • Disciple • Encounter • Evangelize • Faith • Fear • Follow • Grace • History • Holy • Humility • Journey • Lead • Listen • Mass • Mission • Peter • Pier Giorgio Frassati • Prayer • Qualified • Receive • Respond • Risk • Routine • Sin • Suffering • Surrender • Tradition • Transition • Trust • Understand • Vocation • Women • Worth • Worthy •
“So the Gospel isn't something just to be believed, it's something to be clung to, right, to hold on fast to, it's something to live within”
“So many reasons we give for which we are unable to spend time with God. We have the same conditions and we do other things. How much are we ready to let go?”
“When God asks you to do a difficult thing that you're unqualified to do, if you say 'yes' the Holy Spirit will rush in and will do all that needed to be done so that you can fulfill that mission that God has called you to do”
“Simon Peter plays a key role in helping to co-create a space for the extraordinary amongst the ordinary. Not as someone who is morally superior or perfect but as someone who is humble and self reflective.”
“So on the human level Peter's the expert and Jesus is the non-expert but...He is putting himself in submission to Jesus, he recognizes his unworthiness in the presence of Jesus.”
“the call of the Kingdom requires a reversal of priorities and a reordering of commitments”
“You ever have that experience? God lifts a burden in our life and all we see is our inadequacies. Well, what does God see? Our possibility.”
“No matter how and what blind alley and wrong turn you took or dark place that you went down, you do not have to stay there. God allows you and me to make U-turns.”
“for so many of us over these centuries we're so busy saying 'that's nice, thank you for the invitation but I don't have time for that. Thank you but I got this, I can fill my own boat.' And we do and it sinks.”
“So step one, go where the Holy Spirit leads you, leads us. Step two, lower your nets. And the net that we use is Jesus, our lord and savior Jesus Christ. And then three, bring home the catch.”
“And because of God's goodness, abundant overflowing grace in your life, you should make a difference in the people and the places where you are”
“When people brag about being holy or perfect I always say that it depends on whom they are standing next to. If you are standing next to the devil then you may appear very holy but if you are standing next to God then you can clearly see that you have a long way to go.”
“If we are to be Christ to one another, what can we do to encourage and empower the prophets of our day to speak or the saints of our day to minister?”
“Each of us is being asked to search beyond our own fears today. The invitation to fish for people is given to speak up, to heal, to feed, to forgive, to include, to risk.”
“there will be people and oppression and situations and challenges but you have to think of the bigger prize, how you want to be before our master, how you want to act in front of him, how you want to talk in front of him”