Scripture Reflections for the Twenty-second Sunday in Ordinary Time

Year C, Lectionary 126

Hate feeling lost on Sundays at church? Searching for a better explanation of the Bible than what you hear from your pastor's sermon? Check out the following collection of audio, video, and text commentaries from various Christian experts for a better understanding of today's scripture that deal with: AlmsgivingAmbitionCharityChurchCommunityCovenantDetachmentEconomyEffectEgoEncounterEnvironmentEqualityEucharistFocusGiftGraceHeavenHistoryHonorHospitalityHumilityIntentInviteJudgmentKingdomLoveMassMealNeighborParablePhariseesPrideRelationshipSacrificeSalvationSightSt. Benedict of NursiaSt. Ignatius of LoyolaStatusTempleVocationWedding

Sirach 3:17-18, 20, 28-29
Psalm 68:4-7, 10-11
Luke 14:1, 7-14

“the community life is not insular. That the building of the beloved community requires all of us.”

Sr. Eilis McCulloh, HM

“so if you want to be exalted in the Kingdom of God, what do you need to do? You need to act humbly now. You need to cultivate the virtue of humility now so that you're seeking the lowest place in this world so that when the banquet of the Kingdom comes you'll be exalted”

Brant Pitre in "Parable of the Great Banquet"

“St. Benedict's famous image of Jacob's Ladder, of the rungs of the ladder of Jacob's Ladder to heaven being rungs of humility is based on his interpretation of Luke chapter 14, Jesus's words and the parable for today”

Brant Pitre in "Humility: A 12 Step Program"

“We manage life and I think the danger of managing life deludes us into believing we do have an agency or a power that we really don't have.”

Sr. Joanne in "In 'TRUE' humility we are 'Exulted' by God to the Heavenly Banquet"

“Jesus is challenging the underlying cultural assumptions that lead people to jockey for positions of honor. As Jesus himself said 'I have come not to be served but to serve.' In other words, life in the Kingdom of God is not about positions of honor.”

Fr. Geoffrey Plant in "When you give a lunch or a dinner..."
Overall Readings

“With this parable Jesus makes it clear that none of us is the host, we are all guests at the banquet. As such we lack the faculty, we lack what it takes to judge the other guests. Only the host knows the caliber of people he has invited and so Jesus says it is not our responsibility to judge.”

Fr. Emmanuel Ochigbo

“A humble person is a person who is grounded, who knows their blessings and their blesser”

Fr. Stephen Thorne in "Give Me A Word"

“When in doubt assume that others are more in need of special care than we are and try to be the one to offer that care. Not because your own struggles aren't real but because everyone is struggling and even in our weakness we have something to offer others.”

Mary Lou Bozza

“it's God who invites. God gives the invitations and God's ways of inviting, God's criteria are criteria. God invites the least, the lost and the last, the poor, the humble and especially with an accent on humility.”

Monsignor Raymond East

“there is another side to the root of the word. The houmous in humility can remind us of our common humanity, a condition that bids us to think everyone our equal. To give alms because the needy one is our sister and brother. To seek the company of the lowly because they are us.”

Marie Anne Mayeski
Fr. Tony Ricard