Scripture Reflections for the Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Year B, Lectionary 95

We recognize the storm in our lives but do we recognize God with us? We are certain of the danger and fears of our lives but how certain are we of Jesus, Son of God, who offers us peace? Like Job we may focus on the evil surrounding us and try to make sense of it but all we need to do is focus on God's power, might and love that is present in the world. And when we realize that God is Lord over everything we too can rest with Jesus through the storms.

Hate feeling lost on Sundays at church? Searching for a better explanation of the Bible than what you hear from your pastor's sermon? Check out the following collection of audio, video, and text commentaries from various Christian experts for a better understanding of today's scripture that deal with: BaptismBoatCalmChaosChurchControlCreationDisasterDivinityEnvironmentFaithFearGraceHopeIdentityJobPeacePrayerQuestionRefugeesRestRevelationSeaShipStormSufferingTrustWakeWaterWorry

Psalm 107:23-26, 28-31
2 Corinthians 5:14-17

“Do we think of our lives as lives in Christ, living in between two worlds, or do we tend to think of ourselves and make our decisions as if this world was our home or, or our ultimate destiny?”

Catholic Productions "A New Creation in Christ" Brant Pitre 06/15/2021
Mark 4:35-41

“His interest was not mainly about what his followers would know but his interest was more about who his followers would become”

Fr. Emmanuel Ochigbo 06/17/2024

“Because sometimes the only prayer that we can pray is to listen”

"The other side" Angelo Kurbanali 06/20/2024

“The problem for the disciples was not the storm, the problem is that they did not have the faith to believe that God would get them through the storm”

Holy Name of Jesus Church & Loyola Ministry "STORM AT SEA" Fr. Mark E. Thibodeaux, SJ 06/20/2021

“It has to be the love of Christ that forces us, that pushes us, that drives us to do and to be who and what we are called to do and be”

Saint Katharine Drexel Parish - Boston, MA Fr. Oscar Pratt 06/20/2021

“Jesus perhaps is sleeping on a cushion in order to tell you and me to relax, that everything is okay. We don't have to panic, that everything's going to be okay even in the midst of the storm.”

Holy Name of Jesus Church & Loyola Ministry "Jesus, asleep on a cushion" Fr. Mark E. Thibodeaux, SJ 06/23/2024
Overall Readings

“There are storms, that's called life, but today's readings are all about how Christ is deeply present in our storms no matter what”

UACatholic Fr. John Paul Forté, OP 06/23/2024

“Such a faith does not mean certainty, it means the courage to live with uncertainty”

"Who can this be?" Fr. Geoffrey Plant 06/16/2024

“God is with us, we are held through crisis, through chaos, through suffering and through all we do not understand”

Catholic Women Preach Teresa Thompson 06/23/2024

“God is always in the blessing business, God is always in the change business, God is always doing something new in our life”

St. Martin de Porres Catholic Church, Philadelphia "Who is this?" Fr. Stephen Thorne 06/22/2021

“Jesus put you in the boat and if he put you in the boat he's going to make sure you get to the other side”

St. Teresa of Avila - DC Monsignor Raymond East 06/23/2024

“Indeed we know Jesus has been with us all throughout but when you're so caught up and focusing on the storm you miss what Christ is doing in our midst”

Fr. Tony Ricard 06/23/2024

“In the depth of their suffering the refugees...hope not only in the mercy and in the compassion and saving help of God Almighty, they also hope in the compassion and in the saving help of their fellow human beings”

Catholic Women Preach Danielle Vella 06/11/2021

“It is in troubles, it is in problems that we come to discover God, that we come to realize the role that God is playing in our lives”

Fr. Emmanuel Ochigbo 06/15/2021

“these are not coincidences, they clearly manifest the fact that Jesus through his actions and his words is revealing himself to be the Lord come as man...He does things in the New Testament that God does in the Old Testament.”

Catholic Productions "The Stilling of the Storm" Brant Pitre 06/22/2021