Scripture Reflections for the Third Sunday of Easter

Year B, Lectionary 47

Like the disciples who gathered after the resurrection, we may gather and speak about the risen Christ but it is not the same as experiencing Jesus offering his peace. God comes to his community, church, followers who may still have fears and doubts in order to bring us joy, amazement and understanding. Jesus is offering us peace but can we let go of our sins and repent?

Hate feeling lost on Sundays at church? Searching for a better explanation of the Bible than what you hear from your pastor's sermon? Check out the following collection of audio, video, and text commentaries from various Christian experts for a better understanding of today's scripture that deal with: ArriveAtonementBeautyBodyCommandmentCommitmentCommunionCommunityConversionDeathDiscipleDisenchantmentDoubtEasterEnvironmentEucharistExpiationFaithFearFocusFoodForeshadowForgiveForgivenessFriendshipFulfillmentGraceHistoryHoly SpiritHopeIgnoranceJourneyJoyJudgmentMealMetanoiaMissionObediencePassionPeacePersistentPreachPresenceProclaimProphecyRelationshipRepentResurrectionRevelationSacrificeSinSorrowSpiritStruggleSufferingTransformationWitnessWounds

Acts 3:13-15, 17-19
Psalm 4:2, 4, 7-9
1 John 2:1-5a
Luke 24:35-48

“We are witness to the physicality of Jesus who was wounded and who was hungry. How many of us here are wounded? How many of us here are hungry? And how many of us have arrived anyway?”

Bellarmine Chapel Fr. Damian Torres-Botello, SJ 04/14/2024

“the main reason why you and I forgive first is so that we can heal and we can function. Forgiveness is not about returning to unhealthy relationships but it's about making ourselves more healthy within ourselves.”

UACatholic Fr. John Paul Forté, OP 04/14/2024

“Jesus is piecing back the friendship and he does one shift. In the Last Supper he feeds them but here Jesus allows them to feed him, he's giving them a chance to make up, to reconcile, to repent, to feed him.”

Holy Name of Jesus Church & Loyola Ministry "Have you anything to eat?" Fr. Mark E. Thibodeaux, SJ 04/14/2024

“God will try to come and save us if we just give God that much of a chance and here's how you give God a chance: let go, let God”

St. Teresa of Avila - DC Monsignor Raymond East 04/14/2024

“If your faith depends upon having a perfect and sinless clergy, you are bound to be disenchanted. Disenchantment is a summons to venture more deeply into the mystery that lies at the heart of all reality.”

"He opened their minds" Fr. Geoffrey Plant 04/07/2024

“What is it about Jesus and breaking of bread? It seemed he was so much known for breaking bread that after his resurrection that was the act through which his followers could easily recognize him and tell him apart from others.”

Fr. Emmanuel Ochigbo 04/08/2024

“The way that we make friendship is we share a meal together and that's why it's so important to Jesus that he have a meal with them”

Holy Name of Jesus Church & Loyola Ministry "RESURRECTION INTIMACY" Fr. Mark E. Thibodeaux, SJ 04/18/2021

“He chooses to reach out to his disciples wounded and surround himself with the imperfect community of those he loves. He gives us a way forward and by trying to see and live what God's son reveals to us through these profound choices, we know him.”

U.S. Catholic magazine Kate Kelly Middleton 04/09/2021

“notice what happens in the midst of their distress and confusion, Jesus appears”

Catholic Women Preach Christy M. Hicks Aydt 04/11/2021
Overall Readings

“the challenge for us is to make sure that not only do we make it into Heaven but that our children and our children’s children are following behind us”

Fr. Tony Ricard 04/14/2024

“Together we're going to do this because God is smiling on us and will always be good to us”

Saint Katharine Drexel Parish - Boston, MA Fr. Oscar Pratt 04/18/2021

“so too do we face uncertainties and challenges, yet amid our doubts Christ meets us where we are offering clarity, peace and hope”

Catholic Women Preach Mary Erika Bolaños 04/14/2024

“there is nothing that is more powerful than the story of the resurrection. We must sit up if we do not want to take the blame at the end of our sojourn here on Earth.”

Fr. Emmanuel Ochigbo 04/14/2021