Scripture Reflections for the Third Sunday of Lent

Year B, Lectionary 29

Jesus identified the greatest commandments as love of God and love of neighbor. And that love is greatly expressed in Christ on the cross. This only happens when we clear out our sacred space (temple) that is in each of us to be exclusively for God, and in emptying ourselves for love we can truly give ourselves over to others. Our inability to understand this true definition of love may become a stumbling block or seem like foolishness but it is something every Christian must express.

Hate feeling lost on Sundays at church? Searching for a better explanation of the Bible than what you hear from your pastor's sermon? Check out the following collection of audio, video, and text commentaries from various Christian experts for a better understanding of today's scripture that deal with: AngerAuthorityBodyChurchCleanseCommandmentCovenantCovetCrossEmotionEnvironmentFaithFreedomHerodHolyHomeHopeHumanLawLentLoveMosesPossessionPreachPurifyReligionSacrificeSalvationSanctuarySignSinSt. Katharine DrexelSufferingTempleTen CommandmentsValueViolenceVirtueZeal“Cross”

Psalm 19:8-11
1 Corinthians 1:22-25

“true radical conversion; putting our lives on the line for those who have less than us, those on the margins”

Catholic Women Preach Olga Marina Segura 03/07/2021

“if you look beyond the visible to the invisible mystery of who it is hanging on the cross and why he's hanging there and what he's accomplishing through his passion and through the outpouring of his blood it becomes the very vehicle through which God will redeem...the nations”

Catholic Productions "Folly to the Gentiles" Brant Pitre 03/04/2021
John 2:13-25

“Could I suggest that the best way to understand what Jesus did is to see it as a prophetic gesture or as an acted out parable of judgment”

"The sanctuary that was his body" Fr. Geoffrey Plant 02/25/2024

“do we use religion as a cover to foster our selfish interests, as a cover to promote our mundane and political interests?”

Fr. Emmanuel Ochigbo 03/04/2021

“What's your own particular sin, your go-to sin that you do again and again and again. Go up the river and find the source of it…dig deeper until you find out the roots, the source of what's making our sacred space not so sacred”

Holy Name of Jesus Church & Loyola Ministry "CLEANSING THE TEMPLE" Fr. Mark E. Thibodeaux, SJ 03/07/2021

“The problem is not really the presence of the money changers in Jerusalem, nor is it clear that they're cheating anyone, but the real issue seems to be where they're doing the selling, that is they're doing it in the temple complex itself”

Catholic Productions "Jesus Cleanses the Temple" Brant Pitre 03/01/2021
Overall Readings

“I think when we look at the Ten Commandments we are actually looking at a fairly concise yet comprehensive guide for how to be in right relationship with God, with ourselves, and with every other creature we encounter”

Catholic Women Preach Vickey McBride 03/03/2024

“the only rightful authority is that of God’s, he who cares for his creation”

U.S. Catholic magazine Ivan Brea 02/23/2024

“your house and my house are not spiritually always in order and we need Jesus to come again and clean house…and he wants to do it but he needs your permission, my permission”

St. Teresa of Avila - DC Monsignor Raymond East 03/07/2021

“Let us pray that God may grant us the grace to obey the law, to obey the commandments of God while here on Earth so that we may share and enjoy eternity of love with him in heaven through Christ our Lord”

Fr. Emmanuel Ochigbo 02/26/2024

“Do we understand that it's not about how we can get what we want or what we need from God? God's already got that under control. But that we in turn can give ourselves to the one who has created us anew”

Saint Katharine Drexel Parish - Boston, MA Fr. Oscar Pratt 03/07/2021

“Let us think of those whom we love and use anger to be energy to protect and create loving societies. Where could we begin? By admitting that we are addicted to violence as a savior and a solution. We could begin by disarming our own hearts and trying to learn gospel non-violence.”

Catholic Women Preach Sr. Martha Kirk, CCVI 03/04/2018

“We can be holy in the church, we can be peaceful in the church but what about the rest of the days of the week? We have to take church with us.”

UACatholic Fr. John Paul Forté, OP 03/03/2024

“when the heart is not in the prayer but somewhere else, then it’s not a prayer”

Saint Katharine Drexel Parish - Boston, MA Fr. Oscar Pratt 03/03/2024