The True King

Scripture Reflections for the Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe

Year B, Lectionary 161

Are we facing the truth? Are we facing Jesus? While many claim to be king, assert control over parts of the Earth, only Jesus Christ truly rules over the entire universe. And his reign surpasses the wordly and involves serving and loving others. As subjects of Jesus' we are meant to emulate Jesus, our Lord, our one true king.

Hate feeling lost on Sundays at church? Searching for a better explanation of the Bible than what you hear from your pastor's sermon? Check out the following collection of audio, video, and text commentaries from various Christian experts for a better understanding of today's scripture that deal with: ChoseChurchConnectionCrossDavidDiscipleFaithFamilyHistoryHumilityIdentityIncarnationJoyKingdomLeadMassMercyMessiahMiguel ProNeighborPersistencePilatePowerPrayerRelationshipRevelationSightSt. Oscar RomeroTransientTruthVictoryWelcome

Daniel 7:13-14
Psalm 93:1-2, 5
Revelation 1:5-8
Catholic Productions • Nov 17 ʼ21

“'Kingdom of God' in context actually could be translated completely legitimately as the 'Empire of God' seeks to dominate every kingdom and every king in the world and subjugate the entire Earth to the kingship of Jesus Christ”

Brant Pitre in "Jesus, the Emperor"
John 18:33-37
U.S. Catholic magazine • Nov 15 ʼ24

“We need to surrender our self-made kingdoms to be part of God's kingdom, one rooted in love, justice and community”

Grace Ji-Sun Kim
Catholic Women Preach • Nov 24 ʼ24

“To belong to the truth is to form genuine connections with ourselves and with God, where love, empathy and understanding bring the Gospel to life in a way that reaches others deeply and meaningfully”

Olivia Hastie
Catholic Productions • Nov 19 ʼ18

“The kingdom will come in its fullness at the end of time but the Church is very clear here, that the Church on earth is the kingdom of God but present in mystery”

Brant Pitre in "The Kingdom of God and the Church"
Overall Readings
Nov 17 ʼ24

“God’s dominion or sovereignty is to be found wherever God’s will is being done as it is in heaven”

Fr. Geoffrey Plant in "Are you the king of the Jews?"
Saint Katharine Drexel Parish - Boston MA • Nov 21 ʼ21

“He does not wield his power to cause suffering and death. He uses his power to share in our suffering, to take the burden of life off our shoulders, to give his life for us so that we all may live forever.”

Fr. Eric Immel, SJ
St. Martin de Porres Catholic Church, Philadelphia • Nov 27 ʼ18

“the most dangerous thing from a church perspective is: we've always done it that way”

Fr. Stephen Thorne in "Do You Know Who I Am"
Catholic Women Preach • Nov 21 ʼ21

“Whenever we love our neighbor, give of ourselves to honor their dignity or put ourselves on the line for their sake we enact the Kingdom. It may not be present in its fullness and we may not see the fruits of our labor but this experience of the Kingdom is very real nonetheless.”

Jordan Denari Duffner
Nov 16 ʼ21

“what we share with God is the imperishability of our souls. Our souls have been created to be eternal and imperishable, as such nothing that is perishable can satisfy that which is imperishable. Nothing that is temporary can satisfy that which is permanent.”

Fr. Emmanuel Ochigbo
Nov 21 ʼ21

“May the vision of John help you to realize that this ain't all we get. The best is yet to come.”

Fr. Tony Ricard
Catholic Women Preach • Nov 17 ʼ18

“The feast of Christ the King reminds us Christians that Christ must reign in our societies and in our hearts and minds”

Agnes M. Brazal