The Wisdom to Follow God

Scripture Reflections for the Twenty-eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Year B, Lectionary 143

As people of God we are not meant to follow rules but follow God. If we are obeying commandments without considering God then we are at some level doing it for ourselves. The point of God's law is to grow in our relationship with God and this calls for us putting God ahead of everything else. Only when we walk with Jesus can we start seeing the world like God does: wisdom.

Hate feeling lost on Sundays at church? Searching for a better explanation of the Bible than what you hear from your pastor's sermon? Check out the following collection of audio, video, and text commentaries from various Christian experts for a better understanding of today's scripture that deal with: AppreciateCamelCharityChoiceClingCommandmentCommunityCrossDeathDiscipleDivinityEgoExclusionExposeFollowGraceGratefulHappinessHeavenHierarchyHoly SpiritHumorHungerIdolatryInterpretJourneyJoyJustifyLoveOfferPossessionPovertyPrivilegePrudenceRelationshipRelinquishSacrificeSalvationScriptureSinSt. Francis of AssisiSurrenderSwordTreasureTrustValueWealthWisdomWomen

Wisdom 7:7-11
Psalm 90:12-17
Hebrews 4:12-13
Catholic Productions • Oct 06 ʼ21

“When we read scripture, the logos of God, the Word of God, we're also encountering the logos of God, that is the person of Christ. Every time we read scripture with an open heart, we're actually encountering the Word.”

Brant Pitre in "The Word of God"
Mark 10:17-30
Oct 06 ʼ24

“The rich man retained his wealth and the security it represented...he has the sadness of knowing he is trapped, controlled, prevented from gaining his deepest desire. He remains a captive who balked at the prospect of freedom.”

Fr. Geoffrey Plant in "The eye of a needle"
Oct 08 ʼ24

“It is not your responsibility to prove yourself. Your responsibility is to improve yourself relying on the grace of God”

Fr. Emmanuel Ochigbo
U.S. Catholic magazine • Oct 10 ʼ24

“And I suppose that's why true wisdom is really nothing less than grace because it's being able to not make sense out of nonsense and still following God's call anyways”

Angelo Kurbanali
Holy Name of Jesus Church & Loyola Ministry • Oct 13 ʼ24

“Are you like this young man, are you clinging to something, some aspect of your life that you won't let go of? You won't even offer it to the Lord because you're too afraid he might ask for it?”

Fr. Mark E. Thibodeaux, SJ in "Sucipe"
Catholic Productions • Oct 09 ʼ18

“who has the authority to add to the Shema and to the 10 commandments? Well, it's the God who gave the Shema and gave the 10 commandments, who's now become man in Jesus Christ.”

Brant Pitre in "The Rich Young Man & the Divinity of Jesus"
Holy Name of Jesus Church & Loyola Ministry • Oct 10 ʼ21

“And so the question is left for you and me...Are we going to say 'yes' to this invitation to come into his inner circle, to be in intimate relationship with him? And what are we willing to sell in order to make that happen?”

Fr. Mark E. Thibodeaux, SJ in "Wealth is a Hinderance to Intimacy with Christ"
Oct 05 ʼ21

“So it is more demanding in the New Testament doing the good and not just avoiding the evil...The New Testament would praise more one who makes mistakes in an attempt to do something good than one who avoids evil and does no good”

Fr. Emmanuel Ochigbo
Overall Readings
Saint Katharine Drexel Parish - Boston, MA • Oct 10 ʼ21

“If you can look in the mirror and see the treasure that God has set before the whole of creation in you then I guarantee you it will not be a leap at all to see the same in one another”

Fr. Oscar Pratt
Saint Katharine Drexel Parish - Boston, MA • Oct 13 ʼ24

“Why be the richest corpse in the cemetery when you can be the wealthiest child of God reveling in the halls of Heaven not for time but for eternity?”

Fr. Oscar Pratt
Oct 10 ʼ21

“You are indeed called to be a disciple of Christ at all times. You're called to live his word and to bring others to Jesus by what you say and what you do.”

Fr. Tony Ricard
Catholic Women Preach • Oct 10 ʼ21

“Pray my friends for wisdom that we may recognize and seek life’s truest treasures: community, biodiversity, clean water, being an honest person, making music, dancing, laughter, reparations, mutual aid, wholemaking, art, friendship”

Karen Gargamelli-McCreight
Catholic Women Preach • Oct 12 ʼ18

“for somebody like Rosario life was very clear. It was about love, it was about sharing the little bit that we had, and it was about giving thanks to God for all that we've been given in life.”

Trena Yonkers-Talz