Scripture Reflections for the Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Year A, Lectionary 97

Are we welcoming God and people who carry God's Word? Can we see the divinity in people and offer our help as they continue on their journey and mission from God? It's not about being charitable to others with our money and resources but rather being hospitable to others because we see that they are God's children and bear God's image. In prioritizing God we can truly love and care for others.

Hate feeling lost on Sundays at church? Searching for a better explanation of the Bible than what you hear from your pastor's sermon? Check out the following collection of audio, video, and text commentaries from various Christian experts for a better understanding of today's scripture that deal with: AcceptingBaptismBlessingClergyCrossDeathDiscipleEgoElishaEucharistFaithFamilyFearGenerosityGoodHelpHistoryHolyHospitalityJonahJourneyJusticeKingdomLaityLoveMissionPriorityProphetReceiveRelationshipRewardServeShareSightSinSt. Therese of LisieuxSufferingUnionWelcomeWorship

Psalm 89:2-3, 16-19
Matthew 10:37-42
Catholic Productions • Jun 22 ʼ20

“So he's demanding divine love, the kind of love that God alone can demand on the part of his disciples”

Brant Pitre in "God First"
Saint Katharine Drexel Parish - Boston, MA • Jun 28 ʼ20

“Jesus did not say to those people 'don't love your mother, don't love your father, you shouldn't love your son or your daughter because if you love them then you don't love me'...'you need to learn to love as I love, you need to learn how to give that selfless sacrificial love that brings humanity together'”

Fr. Oscar Pratt
Overall Readings
Jun 25 ʼ23

“If we worship anything or anyone else apart from God we are guilty of idolatry. That includes placing something as sacred as our family ahead of God. So Jesus is saying that the call to discipleship is preeminent, it must come before every other commitment in our lives”

Fr. Geoffrey Plant in "Take up the cross and follow me"
Catholic Women Preach • Jun 08 ʼ20

“to truly love God is to love self. The love for self then manifests in how we treat others. My love for God causes me and calls me to see my goodness and my worthiness...since I focus then on love I feel good about myself, and when I feel good about myself I can't help but share it. Evangelization.”

timone davis
GatherClip • Jul 02 ʼ23

“It's about a realization that I'm part of an enormous communion that's held by the divine”

Sr. Joanne in "What loving God more than family really means?"
Jun 26 ʼ23

“Good people when they are being good easily forget about their own needs but the good thing about it is the more they forget their own needs the more other people remember their own needs”

Fr. Emmanuel Ochigbo
UACatholic • Jun 28 ʼ20

“that is a scary thing to become a disciple, from the word 'discipline' meaning 'teachable.' And if we are to be a disciple, people of God, we have to be teachable.”

Fr. John Paul Forté, OP
St. Teresa of Avila - DC • Jul 02 ʼ23

“the cross is a symbol of the hospitality of Jesus Christ”

Monsignor Raymond East
Catholic Women Preach • Jul 02 ʼ23

“if we set aside the time...where we can be alone with God, I promise you if we make the time, God shows up. God always shows up. In fact God is waiting for us in places and spaces like that.”

Bridget Deegan-Krause
Catholic Women Preach • Jul 02 ʼ17

“What does it take to receive others into our life? What does it take to receive God? What do we sometimes have to put aside? What are the fruits of hospitality and how is God reaching out to receive us?”

Crista Carrick Mahoney
UACatholic • Jul 02 ʼ23

“is following Christ easy? No. So we need his help, right? So we have to be open to his help, we have to be intentional about that.”

Fr. John Paul Forté, OP
Saint Katharine Drexel Parish - Boston, MA • Jul 02 ʼ23

“we must first learn to love, learn to see, learn to accept, learn to raise up all that God has placed before us”

Fr. Oscar Pratt
U.S. Catholic magazine • Jun 27 ʼ23

“When we decide to prioritize our material possessions over the needs of the vulnerable we're not loving Jesus. The same is true when we choose not to help those in need or speak out for the downtrodden because we're afraid of rocking the boat or losing our social capital.”

Rebecca Bratten Weiss
St. Teresa of Avila - DC • Jun 28 ʼ20

“I don't know about your house but if you come once you're a guest, if you come twice or three times you're a frequent guest. But if you come more than three times you are a member of the family. St. Paul wants us to know that by our baptism we're members of God's family and that comes with some rights and responsibilities.”

Monsignor Raymond East
Jun 28 ʼ20

“we tend to find more pleasure in finding faults and in broadcasting what we see as failures on the part of the servants of God than we do in investing spiritually and material in the ministries of the servants of God”

Fr. Emmanuel Ochigbo
St. Martin de Porres Catholic Church, Philadelphia • Jun 28 ʼ20

“every time we come into contact with one another, every time we talk with the Word of God with one another that's the cup of cold water right there”

Deacon Melvin Burton, Jr.