Scripture Reflections for the Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time

Year A, Lectionary 91

God cares for us. God loves us. In God's deep compassion for us God seeks to reconcile us back to God. As Apostles of Christ we are meant to enter into that compassion for the rest of humanity. Jesus could have individually cured all the sick but God chose to do so as a community, as a Church, with the aim of being a light unto the nations. We are given authority but for God's purpose and not our own.

Hate feeling lost on Sundays at church? Searching for a better explanation of the Bible than what you hear from your pastor's sermon? Check out the following collection of audio, video, and text commentaries from various Christian experts for a better understanding of today's scripture that deal with: ApostleChosenChurchCommunityCompassionDiscipleFailFormationFreedomIdentityInclusionJourneyLeadMissionPowerPriestRelationshipRememberSightTrustUnityVocation

Exodus 19:2-6
Psalm 100:1-3, 5
Romans 5:6-11
Matthew 9:36-38, 10:1-8
Jun 12 ʼ23

“Jesus didn’t choose disciples who were of like mind. Within the Twelve there is Simon a zealot for the Law and Matthew, one deemed to be a public sinner. They would have to learn to live together because the kingdom that Jesus proclaimed sought to embrace all of Israel.”

Fr. Geoffrey Plant in "He summoned his twelve disciples"
Saint Katharine Drexel Parish - Boston, MA • Jun 19 ʼ23

“It's never 'a them and a us,' it is 'a we' whom God has called to serve”

Fr. Oscar Pratt
Jun 12 ʼ23

“He chose them not only because of their differences but he chose them despite their differences. He chose them not only because of who they were but he chose them because of whom he could turn them into and he brought them together to pass across the same Good News.”

Fr. Emmanuel Ochigbo
Catholic Women Preach • Jun 18 ʼ23

“Jesus grants the Apostles authority and credibility to engage in his mission. Authority that does not come from domination, from command and control but from compassion”

Cathy Murray, OP
Overall Readings
U.S. Catholic magazine • Jun 09 ʼ23

“Being offered these readings alongside one another challenges us to recognize that knowing we are beloved comes first before any efforts of mission, ministry or service...our attempts to care can devolve into attempts to control and this is a recipe for fatigue, resentment and conflict”

Rhonda Miska
GatherClip • Jun 23 ʼ23

“when Jesus who could have done all this on his own chose instead to commission a group that would constantly get bigger over the years, that itself is a reflection of the Trinitarian life and love of the divine, right. In God self God isn't alone. So if we image God...then we're not called to be isolationists, individualists.”

Sr. Joanne in "What Most Christians Forget When Evangelizing"
Jun 18 ʼ23

“God is willing whatever it takes to protect each and every member of his chosen people. He will give us all that we need and all that he has to save us. In fact, that's what God did.”

Fr. Tony Ricard