Scripture Reflections for the Fourth Sunday of Easter

Year A, Lectionary 49

How attentive are we to Jesus? God is calling us back, to return, to repent. But that requires us to listen and be able to recognize God's voice. When we let Jesus lead us we may still face challenges and struggle but the focus should be on us having life in and with God. That is what makes life more abundant.

Hate feeling lost on Sundays at church? Searching for a better explanation of the Bible than what you hear from your pastor's sermon? Check out the following collection of audio, video, and text commentaries from various Christian experts for a better understanding of today's scripture that deal with: BaptismBibleCommunityCovenantEncounterEvangelizeFollowGateHistoryLeadListenLoveParablePeterPreachProclaimRecognizeRedemptionRelationshipRepentSacrificeShareSheepShepherdSightSilenceSufferingUnityVoice

Psalm 23:1-6
John 10:1-10

“He's both the authentic Shepherd who's gonna lead the sheep out to pasture and he's the gate, he's the way of access to eternal life”

"The Good Shepherd" Brant Pitre 04/27/2020

“but there is one condition for hearing the voice of this good and life-giving Shepherd. The word is silence...Silence takes us to the place where true encounter happens between us and the Good Shepherd who calls our souls out to green and verdant pastures.”

Anne Arabome, SSS 04/27/2017

“we hear a lot of chatter, a lot of voices. We have to sometimes put that to the side and listen to the voice of Jesus who is our Good Shepherd. To build upon a relationship with Christ, not just to know facts about Christ, about Jesus, but to know him in a personal unique way.”

"Jesus Is Our Good Shepherd" Fr. Stephen Thorne 05/03/2020

“Jesus is trying to tell you and I that Jesus knows us that intimately. Jesus knows our name. Not just the name that we're given, he knows that name, but even the name that reflects our identity.”

Fr. Mark E. Thibodeaux, SJ 05/03/2020
Overall Readings

“And so we must ask: do I listen to the voice of the Shepherd by making a regular, reflective and prayerful reading of the Scriptures an integral part of my spiritual life?”

"The sheep hear his voice" Fr. Geoffrey Plant 04/23/2023

“We know that the Israelites they sacrificed a sheep for themselves but Jesus is saying 'no, the shepherd is going to sacrifice his life for the sheep'”

Fr. Mark E. Thibodeaux, SJ 04/30/2023

“What about all of us who like to hide behind the title of Christian yet our actions would show that we belong to something else?”

Fr. Oscar Pratt 04/30/2023

“for the first 3 accounts of the gospels, Matthew, Mark and Luke, Jesus is the giver of parables. But in John, Jesus himself is the parable.”

Fr. Emmanuel Ochigbo 04/24/2023

“We ourselves must be the body of Christ. I think Jesus is telling us that 'there is nothing we shall want and we will have abundant life' if we take care of one another the way the Good Shepherd takes care of the sheep.”

Susan Nagele 04/16/2020

“It's hard to listen to the Good Shepherd sometimes especially when that Good Shepherd is telling you to do something that you don't want to do or to go someplace that you really don't want to go”

Monsignor Raymond East 04/30/2023

“That's what I love about today's gospel, it isn't just about hearing the voice of the Shepherd, it's about recognizing it”

Fr. John Paul Forté, OP 05/03/2020

“Jesus is the Good Shepherd. Not alcohol, not the TV, not ratings, not your loneliness, not your pain, not your depression, they don't lead you. Jesus leads you if you hear his voice. Isn't he the one who has called you by name?”

Monsignor Raymond East 05/03/2020