Scripture Reflections for the Second Sunday of Easter, Sunday of Divine Mercy

Year A, Lectionary 43

While many focus on "doubting Thomas," the other aspects we need to ponder on is the importance of the church community, the peace Jesus offers us and the presence of Jesus' wounds with his resurrected body. We require faith that Jesus is resurrected, faith in God's peace even amidst our "wounds," and faith in all of us united as a church in Christ's body.

Hate feeling lost on Sundays at church? Searching for a better explanation of the Bible than what you hear from your pastor's sermon? Check out the following collection of audio, video, and text commentaries from various Christian experts for a better understanding of today's scripture that deal with: BaptismBelieveBreatheCharityChurchCommunionCommunityCreationDiscipleDoubtEucharistEvangelizeFaithFearForgiveGratefulHealingHoly SpiritHopeJoyJusticeLoveMassMercyMissionPeaceReconciliationRelationshipResurrectionScarShareSightSinSufferingTempleThankfulThomasTrustWorshipWounds

Psalm 118:2-4, 13-15, 22-24
1 Peter 1:3-9
John 20:19-31
Bellarmine Chapel • Apr 07 ʼ24

“maybe your doors are locked. And maybe in locking that door you think we can keep, keep all the bad out. And yet Jesus walks through that door.”

Fr. Damian Torres-Botello, SJ
Holy Name of Jesus Church & Loyola Ministry • Apr 07 ʼ24

“if you want to be close to the risen Lord you must be close to the community whom God has put you with, the closer you are to community the closer you are to the risen Lord”

Fr. Mark E. Thibodeaux, SJ in "In the breaking of the bread"
Apr 07 ʼ24

“In a very real way Thomas literally was expressing what those apostles had been feeling the moment before Jesus had come through that door…Thomas was willing to say what the other folks were thinking but maybe didn’t have the courage to say.”

Fr. Tony Ricard
Holy Name of Jesus Church & Loyola Ministry • Apr 16 ʼ23

“this is how you encounter the resurrected Christ: Community. By staying in community...those whom God has placed in your life. You stay close to them, you stay close to community and you will be close to the resurrected Christ.”

Fr. Mark E. Thibodeaux, SJ
Catholic Productions • Apr 13 ʼ20

“what Jesus is doing here is in a sense inaugurating once again the new creation but in this case the power that's being revealed to that action is not the sacrament of baptism...but here it's the power to forgive and retain sins”

Brant Pitre in "Confession"
Saint Katharine Drexel Parish - Boston, MA • Apr 16 ʼ23

“life is worth living because Christ lives and he lives in us”

Fr. Oscar Pratt
Apr 09 ʼ23

“John is subtly saying in the book of Genesis we have the story of God’s creation of the world, this gospel that you are now reading is about God’s re-creation of the world. Or perhaps, the bringing of present creation into line with the original design of God, a design that up until now has been thwarted by human sin.”

Fr. Geoffrey Plant in "Unless I see"
Catholic Women Preach • Apr 16 ʼ23

“I have been inside the empty tomb but I have grown to have faith in the resurrection through the witness of others, of those who profess the resurrection but do not deny the reality of Good Friday. I need the whole of the Paschal mystery.”

Jenny DeVivo
Apr 10 ʼ23

“What scars on us will tell the story that we fought the good fight and we conquered? What marks are we going to show to him that these are signs of a true discipleship?”

Fr. Emmanuel Ochigbo
Holy Name of Jesus Church & Loyola Ministry • Apr 16 ʼ20

“they were joyful but they had a hard time grasping and really believing what they were seeing. That Jesus was in their midst. It wasn't simply that Jesus had risen from the dead but that Jesus was again and again showing this ability to overcome the limitations of flesh and bone.”

Fr. Mark E. Thibodeaux, SJ
St. Martin de Porres Catholic Church, Philadelphia • Apr 27 ʼ19

“and where does Thomas find Jesus? In Church. Not in the building, not in the Cathedral. Among people. Church. The Church is fundamentally first and foremost a people.”

Fr. Stephen Thorne
Apr 18 ʼ22
Fr. Geoffrey Plant in "Blessed are those who have not seen and yet believe"
Catholic Productions • Apr 22 ʼ19

“According to the Gospel of John then, Jesus is the original apostle because he's the one sent from the Father and so when he sends out his apostles we can't treat their authority and their teaching as if, 'well that's different, you know, than Jesus'”

Brant Pitre in "The Authority to Forgive and Retain Sins"
Holy Name of Jesus Church & Loyola Ministry • Apr 11 ʼ21

“let us follow Ignatius' example and his exhortation that we should name, like Thomas, the very things that we need. What is it that you need to experience the resurrected Lord in your life right now? And second be ready to receive whatever the Lord has to give you even if it's not exactly what you think you need”

Fr. Mark E. Thibodeaux, SJ in "THOMAS"
Apr 18 ʼ22

“Anyone who apologizes is the stronger one for it is easier not to apologize than to swallow your pride and say you are sorry. The one who forgives is the stronger one for it is easier to get revenge than to forgive.”

Fr. Emmanuel Ochigbo
U.S. Catholic magazine • Apr 18 ʼ22

“There is a natural human impulse to hide our wounds. They make us seem weak or needy or maybe even unlovable. We have a desire to present the best of ourselves, hide our imperfections and conceal any painful or shameful past experiences but Jesus models just the opposite.”

Rhonda Miska
St. Teresa of Avila - DC • Apr 24 ʼ22

“a week after Easter has the resurrection made a difference in your life?”

Monsignor Raymond East
Catholic Women Preach • Apr 18 ʼ19

“expect the resurrected in the unexpected. In our simple, mundane, everyday living.”

Noella de Souza, MCJ
St. Martin de Porres Catholic Church, Philadelphia • Apr 24 ʼ22

“When we show mercy to others, we're showing mercy to Jesus. And when we receive mercy, we're receiving mercy from Jesus. So our focus should be on him.”

Fr. Addisalem Mekonnen
Catholic Productions • Apr 07 ʼ21

“I don't think we should really refer to this just as 'doubting Thomas.' We should call it 'doubting and believing Thomas.'”

Brant Pitre in "Doubting or Faithful Thomas?"
Overall Readings
Apr 23 ʼ20

“if you're living like the first Christians believe then you should be praying every single day, just like the early Christians did”

Brant Pitre in "Doubting Thomas and the Activity of the Early Apostolic Church"
Apr 09 ʼ20

“And once we work to see God then it's through this belief that we may have life in his name, a life that invites others especially those clouded by despair to see light in the darkness”

Joanna Williams
Apr 23 ʼ17

“Resurrection comes at a price, it always follows the cross. It carries indelible marks. Resurrection doesn't negate suffering, suffering is part of every story.”

Jeannie Masterson, CSJ
Apr 19 ʼ20

“Isn't that after all the nature of love? The very nature of love is not to hoard. The very nature of love is to share.”

Fr. John Paul Forté, OP
Apr 16 ʼ23

“Rather than getting up and finding something to complain about when you wake up in the morning and you open your eyes find something to give God praise for. Find something to thank him for. And then throughout the day don't miss those moments where he gives you a chance to see his grace and his blessing.”

Fr. Tony Ricard