Scripture Reflections for the Twenty-fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Year A, Lectionary 133

God focuses on the well being of each of us. Because we bring our own limited perspectives we often cannot understand God's mercy, love and care for others. Where we compare others to our standards, God graces us all the same with dignity and attention. It is not for us to convince God to see things our way but instead start seeing and treating others as God does.

Hate feeling lost on Sundays at church? Searching for a better explanation of the Bible than what you hear from your pastor's sermon? Check out the following collection of audio, video, and text commentaries from various Christian experts for a better understanding of today's scripture that deal with: AssumptionCommitmentCompassionComplainCovenantDistractionEntitlementEnvyEvangelizeExpectationFairGenerosityGiftGraceGratefulHeavenHopeIdolatryImmortalityInvitationJoyJusticeKingdomLaborLandownerLifeLoveMercyMissionParablePelagianismPerspectiveProphecyRelationshipSoulSufferingUnderstandWork

Psalm 145:2-3, 8-9, 17-18
Philippians 1:20-24, 27
Catholic Productions • Sep 16 ʼ20

“Paul expects long before his body is raised on the last day that his soul will be with Christ after his death”

Brant Pitre in "The Immortality of the Soul"
Matthew 20:1-16
Catholic Productions • Sep 14 ʼ20

“He's talking about, in essence, how the Kingdom of God turns everything upside down, it turns our expectations about what is even just upside down. It turns upside down our expectations about what is owed to us.”

Brant Pitre in "Parable of the Workers in the Vineyard"
Sep 18 ʼ23

“Each of us has a life and each life is like a book in God's hands. God is the author of the book. Please do not close the book until God is done writing.”

Fr. Emmanuel Ochigbo
Overall Readings
GatherClip • Feb 13 ʼ24

“The point of all the gospels is Jesus telling us something about God so rather than saying 'I get it, those guys that were hired at dawn,' instead I make myself say 'okay, but what is Jesus letting us know about God now in this?'”

Sr. Joanne in "Envy is not of God, Mercy is"
U.S. Catholic magazine • Sep 15 ʼ23

“God's generous favors to others will never deprive us of what is rightfully ours and if I feel troubled by God's generosity to others perhaps I have a long way to go in growing into the image and likeness of God”

Paulson Veliyannoor, C.M.F.
Sep 17 ʼ23

“Grace that can be calculated and expected is no longer grace”

Fr. Geoffrey Plant in "Why be envious because I am generous?"
Saint Katharine Drexel Parish - Boston, MA • Sep 20 ʼ20

“Yes Lord, I don't want you to be like me, my Lord, because then we'd all be in big, big trouble. Help me to be more like you.”

Fr. Oscar Pratt
Catholic Women Preach • Sep 24 ʼ23

“We live in a society where success is measured by your job title, the amount of money you make, how many cars or houses you have, how many followers you have on social media, and even by the amount of hours you work. It's never measured by the amount of people you serve or how much you give.”

Darlene Jasso
UACatholic • Sep 20 ʼ20

“What Christ is trying to point to is that God's mercy sees everyone. You don't have to like everybody but God's mercy sees everyone and responds to everyone. God will hire us no matter the point of the day.”

Fr. John Paul Forté, OP
Holy Name of Jesus Church & Loyola Ministry • Sep 20 ʼ20

“Why do you labor in God's vineyard? Is it for a quid pro quo so that the Lord will be good to you back?...Or do you labor in God's vineyard because of the sheer joy of getting to labor for Christ because you love God and you love God's harvest, which are God's people, and you love them so much that the labor itself is the reward?”

Fr. Mark E. Thibodeaux, SJ
Catholic Women Preach • Sep 04 ʼ20

“Our God cannot be tamed within the made-up constructs of in or out, worthy or unworthy, last or first. Our God is near to all who call upon the divine name in truth no matter if we got to work at the crack of dawn or right before quitting time.”

Jessie Bazan
St. Teresa of Avila - DC • Sep 20 ʼ20

“there are a lot of saints out there nobody has ever given them the Word of God. Nobody explained to them the mercy of God. They would turn to the Lord if some missioner, some evangelist, some church folks...had made the little least effort to go out and tell them the Good News.”

Monsignor Raymond East
UACatholic • Sep 24 ʼ23

“Yes, people of God, God has a plan but our faith formation is deepened, as well as our intellectual formation, when we understand how to read things. Because when we can understand how to read things and how to experience things we can be better disciples.”

Fr. John Paul Forté, OP
Sep 19 ʼ20

“in case you are in doubt and you want to know whether you are truly doing the work of God or not, you check whether your fulfillment comes from what you get at the end of the work or whether your fulfillment comes from doing the will of God”

Fr. Emmanuel Ochigbo
Catholic Women Preach • Sep 24 ʼ17

“God's hands are not tied to our narrow calculus of justice. God's mercy is not bounded by the limitations of our compassion.”

Francine Cardman
Holy Name of Jesus Church & Loyola Ministry • Sep 24 ʼ23

“And so the parable is not meant to make us resentful of what we're lacking but rather grateful for receiving far more than we deserve”

Fr. Mark E. Thibodeaux, SJ in "Do you Want Justice or Mercy?"
St. Teresa of Avila - DC • Sep 24 ʼ23

“You and I need to ask: what did God do and give to you and what are you doing with what God gave you? That's the question. In this world God gives us every grace and gift that we need not only to be able to be, be saved but to save some sorry souls.”

Monsignor Raymond East