Scripture Reflections for the Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Year A, Lectionary 109

To receive divine wisdom we have to acknowledge our limitations and be open to receive God. No matter our knowledge or possessions it cannot compare to God. When confronted with a kingdom to govern Solomon let go of his ego and ask for God's guidance: wisdom. In Jesus' parables, when confronted with a buried treasure or pearl of great price the people who find it let go of all they have. Only after letting go of worldly obsessions can we truly be rich in the treasures of heaven, God's Kingdom.

Hate feeling lost on Sundays at church? Searching for a better explanation of the Bible than what you hear from your pastor's sermon? Check out the following collection of audio, video, and text commentaries from various Christian experts for a better understanding of today's scripture that deal with: ChoiceCommunityDiscernmentDiscipleEnvironmentGoodHeavenHopeHospitalityJourneyJoyJudgmentKingdomParablePaulPearlPovertyPredestinationPrejudiceRichSacrificeScribeSeekSightSolomonStruggleSurrenderTimeTransformationTreasureTrustUnderstandWisdomWorth

Psalm 119:57, 72, 76-77, 127-130
Romans 8:28-30
Catholic Productions • Jul 22 ʼ20

“Paul doesn't believe in just declaration, although he does think that we are declared righteous, he also believes in transformation, a real change taking place in the person who has faith and who has been baptized through the power of the Holy Spirit who dwells within the believer”

Brant Pitre in "Predestination"
Matthew 13:44-52
Catholic Productions • Jul 20 ʼ20

“I think here the basic message of the parable again lies in the twist, namely this, you cannot steal the kingdom of God, you have to give everything in order to obtain it”

Brant Pitre in "Pearl of Great Price"
Catholic Productions • Sep 11 ʼ20

“That's just a beautiful image from St. Irenaeus that I thought I'd share with you, I really like that idea of Christ as the treasure hidden in the field of the Old Testament and in hidden in the field of the world”

Brant Pitre in "Poor in Spirit: Poverty in the Spiritual Life"
U.S. Catholic magazine • Jul 21 ʼ23

“We don't just stumble across the Kingdom of Heaven. It takes work to uncover buried treasure. Building up the Kingdom on Earth is not a quick and easy process but a continual searching and striving to live out the values modeled for us by Jesus in the Gospels.”

Julia Erdlen
Jul 24 ʼ23

“in case anyone asks you today 'what is your worth?' just tell the person 'I am worth my God coming down to die for me'”

Fr. Emmanuel Ochigbo
Holy Name of Jesus Church & Loyola Ministry • Jul 26 ʼ20

“What is the pearl that Jesus gave you last week that he wants you to put down this week to acquire a greater pearl?”

Fr. Mark E. Thibodeaux, SJ
Overall Readings
GatherClip • Aug 15 ʼ23

“To receive divine wisdom we have to acknowledge our limitations, suppress our ego and be open to receive God. No matter our knowledge or possessions we cannot compare to God.”

Alex in "How to Uncover God's Hidden Treasure"
Jul 23 ʼ23

“The buried treasure is discovered during the course of the man’s daily work. So we can discover God’s dominion, his kingly reign, the kingdom of God, in the rhythms and routine of everyday life.”

Fr. Geoffrey Plant in "A Pearl of Great Price"
St. Martin de Porres Catholic Church, Philadelphia • Jul 27 ʼ20

“The world and the Word are not always in sync because sometimes if you follow the Word of may find yourself in contradiction to the world”

Fr. Stephen Thorne in "Some Good Trouble"
Saint Katharine Drexel Parish - Boston, MA • Jul 30 ʼ23

“God is saying 'I'm here with you, I'm here in you, I'm here for you but what are you going to let go of so that I may be more of your all in all?'”

Fr. Oscar Pratt
Catholic Women Preach • Jul 30 ʼ17

“'Do you understand all these things?' Jesus asks us. How much I wish I could say a confident 'yes' as Matthew describes the disciples as responding. It is such a confusing time.”

Maria Teresa Gaston
Catholic Women Preach • Jul 30 ʼ23

“Jesus is a wisdom figure for our time. My dad was a figure of wisdom in his time. This kind of wisdom comes from a life lived in pursuit of the kingdom of heaven among us.”

Anne Hansen
UACatholic • Jul 26 ʼ20

“Are the things that you and I truly long for really treasure or do they treasure the ego? The belly? Today's gospel we're asked a very deep question, what is your treasure? Where is it and what are you willing to do with it?”

Fr. John Paul Forté, OP
Jul 26 ʼ20

“But finding the Kingdom does not solve it all. The next question is: are you ready to give something up?”

Fr. Emmanuel Ochigbo
St. Teresa of Avila - DC • Jul 26 ʼ20

“does your parish, does your church look like the Kingdom of Heaven right here on Earth?”

Monsignor Raymond East
Catholic Women Preach • Jul 01 ʼ20

“Funny thing about parables, they disrupt our ways of thinking, our ways of trying to resolve things and keep life tidy”

Anne Koester
St. Teresa of Avila - DC • Jul 30 ʼ23

“It's hard living in a situation where we have to get along in an imperfect world with imperfect people and realize that sometimes we are the imperfect people”

Monsignor Raymond East