Scripture Reflections for the Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Year A, Lectionary 103

God is generous and outpouring with his love for all of us. God's purpose is to reach everyone even if they don't allow God inside. We have to realize that all gifts come from God and if we allow God's love to live in us and pass through from us then God's love can reach everywhere. In this way, God's Kingdom will be felt on Earth.

Hate feeling lost on Sundays at church? Searching for a better explanation of the Bible than what you hear from your pastor's sermon? Check out the following collection of audio, video, and text commentaries from various Christian experts for a better understanding of today's scripture that deal with: CareChangeChurchCreationDiscipleEnvironmentEvangelizeFocusGenerosityGraceGroundHarvestHopeHumilityJusticeKingdomListenLoveMeditationParablePatienceProclaimPurposeReceiveRelationshipRevelationSeedSoilSowSufferingUnderstandWaitWord

Psalm 65:10-14
Romans 8:18-23
Jul 15 ʼ20

“According to Paul salvation, in other words, isn't just something for humanity. Salvation is something that involves the whole universe, the whole cosmos.”

Brant Pitre in "New Creation"
Matthew 13:1-23
Jul 06 ʼ20

“the parables have a kind of paradoxical function, they both reveal the mysteries of the Kingdom to the disciples and conceal the Kingdom to those whose hearts are hardened against Jesus...they are riddles that you need the grace of an open mind and an open heart and an open ear to be able to grasp”

Brant Pitre in "He Who Has Ears, Let Him Hear (Part 1)"
Jul 08 ʼ20

“this parable is a great parable for a kind of examination of conscience because we always want to ask ourselves: well, what kind of soil am I? Right? How am I responding to the Word of the Kingdom?”

Brant Pitre in "He Who Has Ears, Let Him Hear (Part 2)"
St. Martin de Porres Catholic Church, Philadelphia • Jul 12 ʼ20

“If you want Jesus to lead us and guide us along the way we must be open, the posture to receive what God has. Open to growth is the first point of being that fertile ground that God wants to use.”

Fr. Stephen Thorne in "What Kind Of Ground Are You?"
Catholic Women Preach • Jul 16 ʼ23

“Parables were meant to unsettle Jesus' people and us today. So let's reflect on our own birds, rocks and thorns that prevent us from rising up to this challenge. The pursuit of justice and equality in our communities.”

Joanna Arellano-Gonzalez
Jul 10 ʼ23

“as we reflect on this parable today I ask you: if you were to be arrested for being a Christian would there be enough evidence to convict you?”

Fr. Emmanuel Ochigbo
Saint Katharine Drexel Parish - Boston, MA • Jul 12 ʼ20

“The question is do you want to be a Christian in your heart or are you simply just trying to stay out of hell? One of them does not get us where we need to be, the other makes us truly the children of our living God.”

Fr. Oscar Pratt
St. Teresa of Avila - DC • Jul 12 ʼ20

“listen to God's Word in silence, let that Word be planted in the rich soil that St. Paul says that you are. And then as that Word is planted...step 2, let that Word germinate in you, let that seed come forth and give that Word permission to grow.”

Monsignor Raymond East
Jul 11 ʼ20

“before you judge whomever you are judging first ask yourself: what kind of eyes am I using to look at this person or what kind of heart am I using to judge this person? Maybe I need repentance.”

Fr. Emmanuel Ochigbo
Overall Readings
Jul 09 ʼ23

“The seed seems increasingly to fall on rocky ground, to be eaten by birds or choked by thorns, but today’s readings assure us God’s Word is invincible and will triumph”

Fr. Geoffrey Plant in "Imagine a sower going out to sow"
GatherClip • Jul 23 ʼ23

“you never know where things are going to bear fruit and it's certainly not up to us to decide where it will and will not bear fruit. We're just called to keep doing it. That's the keep sowing part”

Sr. Joanne in "The Forgotten Meaning of the Parable of the Sower"
Holy Name of Jesus Church & Loyola Ministry • Jul 16 ʼ23

“What must you do to soil before you put the seed in it? You must till the ground. And so Christ is asking you, have you come to church having already tilled the soil of your heart, to prepare your heart to receive this word of God?”

Fr. Mark E. Thibodeaux, SJ
UACatholic • Jul 12 ʼ20

“When you and I are willing to do the work of tilling ourselves and allowing that grace to come into ourselves...great things happen. We check our egos so it doesn't become all about us, it becomes about God raising us up, God directing us, God leading us. When that happens yield happens”

Fr. John Paul Forté, OP
Holy Name of Jesus Church & Loyola Ministry • Jul 12 ʼ20

“when we go to imitate God we too must cast out all that we have, all of our love and all of our resources...our love must reach out to everyone without reservation. That's what God is asking of us and he promises us if we do that we'll receive a hundredfold harvest.”

Fr. Mark E. Thibodeaux, SJ
Catholic Women Preach • Jul 16 ʼ17

“We all have many cares and serious obligations. Our jobs, families, legitimate demands for our time but take an honest look into the weeds. Are there thorny distractions and trivial pursuits distracting us from making actual changes for sustainable communities?”

Erin Lothes
Catholic Women Preach • Jun 18 ʼ20

“So imagine you're the soil, I'm the soil. Let us allow the Holy One to do what today's psalmist promises: break up our clods, shower the valleys, uproot that which chokes out life and prepare the soil such that the seeds might yield a fruitful and long-lasting harvest.”

Molleen Dupree-Dominguez
St. Teresa of Avila - DC • Jul 16 ʼ23

“It all comes from God. If we get that messed up it really gets messed up.”

Monsignor Raymond East
UACatholic • Jul 16 ʼ20

“if you can't do it on your own don't be by yourself. Church is about community.”

Fr. John Paul Forté, OP