Mary is the Ark of the Covenant

Scripture Reflections for the Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Year B, Lectionary 622

Elizabeth with John the Baptist in her womb were able to recognize the Word of God that Mary carried inside of her. As the true Ark of the Covenant, are we able to leap and cry out with joy at the sight of Mary in God's temple in heaven? Not only for the victory of Jesus and the Assumption of Mary but also for the hope that we too can participate in the salvation from God.

Hate feeling lost on Sundays at church? Searching for a better explanation of the Bible than what you hear from your pastor's sermon? Check out the following collection of audio, video, and text commentaries from various Christian experts for a better understanding of today's scripture that deal with: AdamArk of the CovenantAssumptionBattleBlessingCommunionCommunityDeathDiscipleElizabethEqualityEveFaithFearFollowGraceHeavenHistoryHolyHopeJourneyJusticeKingdomLifeListenLoveMarriageMaryMercyMissionMotherOrderPrayerQueenResurrectionSalvationSeedSerpentSinSufferingTempleVesselWarriorWaterWomen

Revelation 11:19; 12:1-6, 10
Catholic Productions • Sep 29 ʼ21

“if Mary's body is the dwelling place of God on earth, if Mary's body is the true Ark of the Covenant then it's fitting that at the end of her life she would not, that body, that sacred ark, would not remain on earth in a human grave or a human tomb but that it would be taken up to its rightful place in the heavenly Holy of Holies in the heavenly Temple of God”

Brant Pitre in "A Woman Clothed with the Sun"
Psalm 45:10, 11, 12, 16
1 Corinthians 15:20-27
Catholic Productions • Sep 23 ʼ21

“He comes into this world through Mary, right, so she is, if he's the new Adam, she is the new Eve. But notice things are reversed, right. In the first order of creation Adam comes first and then Eve comes into the world through Adam because she's created from his side in Genesis chapter 2.”

Brant Pitre in "The Assumption of Mary"
Luke 1:39-56
Holy Name of Jesus Church & Loyola Ministry • Aug 15 ʼ21

“we hear that Mary went to visit Elizabeth, her cousin, as soon as she found out that, that God wanted her to bear Jesus for the was because Elizabeth had proven God to Mary.”

Fr. Mark E. Thibodeaux, SJ in "Fathers Rowntree and Gros Assumption Celebration"
Saint Katharine Drexel Parish - Boston, MA • Aug 15 ʼ21

“what scares us initially would have us running to fear. But Mary didn't run to fear. Mary ran to faith.”

Fr. Oscar Pratt
Catholic Women Preach • Jul 27 ʼ20

“Everything in Mary and everything about Mary, her words, her womb, her spirit surrendered so completely to God's will that they could not be separated when her time on Earth came to an end. So if heaven could welcome a female body why can't the hierarchy?”

Pat McDonough
Overall Readings
Catholic Women Preach • Jul 26 ʼ18

“For me Assumption is important as it affirms the divinity of a female body”

Kochurani Abraham
Catholic Women Preach • Aug 15 ʼ21

“Mary knew that poverty and persecution are not God's dream for humanity. From her profound faith and practice in the Jewish tradition she knew that God looks at her with favor and that God will take action just as God did for Miriam, Judith and Debra”

Molleen Dupree-Dominguez
UACatholic • Aug 15 ʼ21

“if life is to sound good and to be effective we have to listen to each other because if we don't there's no ability to have harmony, true harmony”

Fr. John Paul Forté, OP
Catholic Women Preach • Aug 02 ʼ19

“we might be tempted to think of a feast like this as quiet and peaceful, a time for calm rejoicing...our readings for the Feast suggest something different. Being with the great ones isn't peaceful, it means struggle.”

Carolyn Osiek, RSCJ
St. Paul Center • Aug 14 ʼ12

“when we read the Bible from the heart of the Church we're going to see that the fulfillment of the Old by Christ in the New wasn't just exclusively reserved for him, it was extended to all of us, especially in and through the Blessed Virgin Mary”

Scott Hahn
Aug 10 ʼ21

“Assumption is different from Ascension. The word 'ascension' is traceable to the Latin verb 'ascendare' which means to rise, to climb or to go up on one's own. Ascension is for Jesus, Assumption for Mary. Ascension for Jesus, he went up on his own. Assumption for Mary, she was taken up.”

Fr. Emmanuel Ochigbo
Catholic Women Preach • Aug 15 ʼ17

“It's all a matter, you see, of learning to let go. Of letting go what it is that chains us to Earth. And that's exactly when the Feast of the Assumption takes on the meaning that our childhood spiritual imaginations could never summon, could never have seen.”

Joan Chittister
St. Martin de Porres Catholic Church, Philadelphia • Aug 15 ʼ21

“do we see Jesus, do we look for him in our Lady?”

Fr. Addisalem Mekonnen
Aug 15 ʼ21

“As followers of Jesus and the modern day children of the blessed Mother, our present task is to shape our lives into that Christian pattern that was set by Mary...each day we are called to say 'yes' to God”

Fr. Tony Ricard