Seeing the Light

Scripture Reflections for the Nativity of the Lord (Christmas) Mass during the Night

Year C, Lectionary 14

The light of God has truly entered the world with the birth of Jesus. God sends us the message to approach the Son of God to find true joy. To let go of our fears and concerns because the Creator has arrived to reside with us. Although present as an infant in a manger we must pay attention to the signs and message of God and have the sight to see God present with us.

Hate feeling lost on Sundays at church? Searching for a better explanation of the Bible than what you hear from your pastor's sermon? Check out the following collection of audio, video, and text commentaries from various Christian experts for a better understanding of today's scripture that deal with: AngelBabyBirthCaesarChangeChildChristmasDarknessDavidEucharistExpectationFearFocusGratefulHateHomelessHopeHumilityIncarnationJosephJourneyJoyJudgmentKingdomLightLoveMaryPeacePovertyPowerPrepareProphetRelationshipRevelationRiskSalvationShepherdSightSinSt. JosephTrustUnityVoiceWelcome

Isaiah 9:1-6
Psalm 96:1-3, 11-13
Titus 2:11-14
Luke 2:1-14
UACatholic • Dec 24 ʼ23

“A friendship with God is not like friendship with anybody else because God is faithful, God shows up, God will be with you in whatever situation, scenario it is”

Fr. John Paul Forté, OP
UACatholic • Dec 24 ʼ21

“What the feast of Christmas teaches you and I is that we are called to take risk. We're called to take the risk of loving, the risk of helping, the risk of reaching out, the risk of changing our mind, the risk of thinking differently, the risk of seeing people.”

Fr. John Paul Forté, OP
Bellarmine Chapel • Dec 24 ʼ24

“we remember that we have a savior and that you can say something, and that you can be excited about it, and that the world can be excited about it. Sisters and brothers, this is hope. Hope is alive, let it be alive in your hearts.”

Fr. Damian Torres-Botello, SJ
Dec 19 ʼ07

“The true king is not the one who has ranging worldly power. The true king is the one who is bound to the other in love, who becomes weak for the sake of the other. Not the one who's well protected in his Palazzo, in his palace but the one who's willing to become vulnerable in love.”

Bishop Robert Barron
Catholic Women Preach • Dec 25 ʼ20

“at this most joyous time of the year where is Christ present to us? The passage calls us to pay attention to God in our midst even in less than ideal moments.”

Kayla August
Catholic Women Preach • Dec 15 ʼ21

“Christmas and Easter are two sides of the same coin. Both tell us that there is nothing—nothing—that is human that God is not willing to enter into in solidarity with us”

Ann M. Garrido
St. Teresa of Avila - DC • Dec 24 ʼ21

“It's his birthday, not your birthday. What did you get Jesus?”

Monsignor Raymond East in "It's his birthday"
Dec 24 ʼ21

“They listened to the angel and were shown the glory of God”

Fr. Tony Ricard
Dec 20 ʼ13

“This is a battle of narratives, if you want. The Aeneid versus Luke's story of the coming of the true emperor and the prevailing of that latter narrative over the former is a matter of empirical verification that we can look around the world today and see the endurance of the great empire of Christ.”

Bishop Robert Barron in "Bishop Robert Barron on The Nativity of Luke's Gospel"
Catholic Women Preach • Dec 15 ʼ16

“in what way are we laboring, like Mary, to birth God's abiding love into a world so much in need of it especially now?”

Christine Schenk, CSJ
St. Teresa of Avila - DC • Dec 24 ʼ20

“the big reveal is that God has lept down from Heaven into your situation, whatever it is. Whatever your situation is God is there.”

Monsignor Raymond East
St. Martin de Porres Catholic Church, Philadelphia • Jan 02 ʼ19

“when we give love, we give the very best gift”

Fr. Stephen Thorne
Overall Readings
St. Teresa of Avila - DC • Dec 24 ʼ23

“Your situation, the mess you're in should not steal the joy of Christmas, don't let the Grinch steal Christmas and don't let the devil steal your joy”

Monsignor Raymond East
Catholic Productions • Dec 23 ʼ19

“many of the Church Fathers saw in the, in the imagery of Jesus the infant wrapped in swaddling clothes and laid in a manger, they saw...the swaddling clothes point forward to his shroud that his body would be wrapped in after the crucifixion”

Brant Pitre in "Where was Jesus Born?"
St. Martin de Porres Catholic Church, Philadelphia • Jan 01 ʼ20

“This baby has changed my life. This baby has changed your life as well and this baby tonight challenges each of us to be the change we want to see in our world.”

Fr. Stephen Thorne in "A Baby Will Change Your Life"
Catholic Women Preach • Dec 19 ʼ18

“Christmas gives us a new opportunity to trust in his loyalty to us”

Yadira Vieyra Alvarez
UACatholic • Dec 24 ʼ20

“what does our Lady do? She gets on that donkey with her husband and they go do what they're supposed to do. And the baby decides to come, how inconvenient. And there's no room for the savior of the world, so it seems. But he comes anyway.”

Fr. John Paul Forté, OP
Catholic Women Preach • Dec 25 ʼ17

“God was born on the road, the crib was a feeding trough, the visitors were despised shepherds. By entering into human history this way God identified with the powerless, the oppressed, the poor, and the homeless. And God invites each one of us today to do the same.”

Shalini Mulackal, PBVM