Scripture Reflections for Holy Thursday

Year B, Lectionary 39

As followers of Jesus we imitate his actions in order to align our hearts with God’s. In serving others, through washing their feet for example, we begin to empty ourselves as Jesus did. We can begin to see that love is possible when we put aside our pride and ego.

Hate feeling lost on Sundays at church? Searching for a better explanation of the Bible than what you hear from your pastor's sermon? Check out the following collection of audio, video, and text commentaries from various Christian experts for a better understanding of today's scripture that deal with: AcceptAdamApproachCommandmentCommunionCommunityConversionCovenantDeathDiscipleDivisionEdenEucharistEucharisticFeet WashingFoot WashingGiftGraceHumilityInclusionJourneyJoyKingdomLambLeadLentLoveMemoryMercyMissionNeighborPassoverPeterPowerPresencePriestResistSacrificeSalvationServeSinSlaveSymbolSynodTableTeachThanksgivingUnityWaterWelcome

Exodus 12:1-8, 11-14
Psalm 116:12-13, 15-18
John 13:1-15
Mar 18 ʼ24

““love one another as I have loved you” is manifested in…the washing of feet. But the full revelation of this love is manifested in what Jesus is about to do. On the following day he will lay down his life for his friends.”

Fr. Geoffrey Plant in "You should wash each other’s feet"
Catholic Women Preach • Mar 28 ʼ24

“I knew God loved me, all of me. And if God loves all of me God loves everyone.”

Dr. Cynthia Bailey Manns
Saint Katharine Drexel Parish - Boston, MA • Apr 06 ʼ23

“Do you love the Lord, church? Where is that end? Pray that we never find it cuz God's love is infinite and ours should be too.”

Fr. Oscar Pratt
Catholic Women Preach • Apr 06 ʼ23

“in reading the gospels I am intrigued by Jesus common practice of asking questions. I see each question as an engage at a deeper level with Christ and our own inner being. An invitation for you and me to ponder our personal relationships with the divine and each other.”

Leslye Colvin
St. Teresa of Avila - DC • Apr 06 ʼ23

“God is good in the good times and the bad times. In the happy times and the sad times. God is good in times of death and God is good in times of birth.”

Monsignor Raymond East
Saint Katharine Drexel Parish - Boston, MA • Apr 01 ʼ21

“da Vinci gave us some great work but that picture of the Last Supper is that, it's a picture. You know, when you ask how many people were there that evening the right answer is 'we don't know.' So how many people will that table accommodate? As many as will say 'Amen' to the God who so loves us.”

Fr. Oscar Pratt
Holy Name of Jesus Church & Loyola Ministry • Apr 14 ʼ22

“Have you ever had that experience, have you ever had to watch someone that you love do something so self-sacrificial for you that it hurt and you wanted to say no?”

Fr. Mark E. Thibodeaux, SJ
Catholic Women Preach • Apr 13 ʼ19

“Can we choose to love to the utmost? To engage humbly with one person at a time, to offer refreshment and tenderness to the weary soul, to look with extraordinary love into the eyes of the person in front of us, and convey that they are of infinite value?”

Kathy Baroody
St. Martin de Porres Catholic Church, Philadelphia • Apr 16 ʼ17

“he fully was aware of what he was about. He got up and his purpose was to get down. His purpose was to get down, to kneel down and to serve.”

Fr. Stephen Thorne
Apr 06 ʼ23

“No matter who we are, we are united in service with one another so that one day we shall be united with our God in the Kingdom of Heaven”

Fr. Tony Ricard
Holy Name of Jesus Church & Loyola Ministry • Apr 09 ʼ20

“what if he also points to this simple meal and in saying 'this is my body' he's saying 'I'm in this. I'm in these simple gestures of love. The most basic of all. I'm in this. I'm right here.'”

Fr. Mark E. Thibodeaux, SJ
Overall Readings
St. Teresa of Avila - DC • Mar 28 ʼ24

“Instead of worrying of self-preservation we can be worried about the salvation of all God’s children”

Monsignor Raymond East
Catholic Women Preach • Apr 14 ʼ22

“Do we see as we look at our table not only who is there but who is not there? Who is not invited or who is invited but cannot gain access?”

Dr. Kim R. Harris, Ph.D.
Catholic Women Preach • Apr 01 ʼ21

“The new commandment of love is no longer a norm, a law. It is therefore not an obligation, rather, it is the response to the love that God has for us”

Marilyn Santos
Catholic Women Preach • Apr 13 ʼ16

“we are continually invited to enter in the pilgrimage of discipleship with Jesus that is rooted in mercy and love”

Natalie Terry
Catholic Women Preach • Mar 31 ʼ20

“Holy Thursday places before us the challenges involved in following Jesus' model of service among the people of God”

Virginia Saldanha
Apr 09 ʼ20

“how can we contrive to make our lives a gift? How can we contrive to take not the highest place but the lowest place?”

Bishop Robert Barron