
Fr. George Smiga. "Rowing with Jesus" Building on the Word. September 15, 2024 There is a valuable message in today’s gospel, but in order to see it we must connect the beginning of this gospel passage with the ending.

Fr John Patrick Kenrick. "Seriously" Torch. March 27, 2024 Each of the accounts of Jesus’s passion is a tightly knit drama within the broader gospel narrative. We feel drawn into the action. The liturgy may even encourage us to act out the drama, to see ourselves, for example, as part of the crowd.

Fr John O’Connor. "Get Real" Torch. March 6, 2024 Exactly what he meant by this is perhaps not obvious. Maybe we find the ordinary day- to-day realities, routines, the same people, the same places, in some ways hard to bear.

Mary Ortwein. "Why the Cross?" A Catholic Moment. September 2, 2023 Jesus, the Christ, was crucified one day in Jerusalem long ago, then rose from the dead three days later. But that was not the end of it. Jesus, the Christ, continues to live and give the power of the cross today—every day—at every mass. He becomes present to us—and to the world—through this now unbloody self-sacrifice of God.

Fr Timothy Radcliffe. "But Not Yet?" Torch. August 29, 2023 St Peter confess that Jesus is ‘The Messiah, the Son of the Living God.’ Jesus then declares that he is Peter, the rock on which he will build his Church. But then everything goes pear-shaped. Peter cannot accept that Jesus must go to Jerusalem to suffer and die.

John Bergsma. "Schizophrenic Crowds, Crucified Savior" The Sacred Page. March 28, 2023 This Sunday’s readings might seem bipolar or schizophrenic. We begin Mass with exultant cheering as we relive Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem.

Fr Richard Ounsworth. "In the Heart of God" Torch. June 7, 2022 While it might be true, as many biblical scholars insist, that we cannot read the doctrine of the Trinity straight out of the pages of scripture, we come pretty close to it in chapters fourteen to seventeen of St John’s Gospel. These words, spoken by Christ at the Last Supper, and culminating in his high-priestly prayer to the Father, may be seen as the first ever homily – by which I mean a sermon preached at Mass – and the first ever Eucharistic Prayer.

John Bergsma. "Good Friday" The Sacred Page. April 14, 2022 Every year on Good Friday, we read St. John’s account of the Passion from John 18-19, together with Isaiah 52-53 and Psalm 31. One of the themes that runs through these reading is the Priesthood of Christ.

Mary Ortwein. "Luke’s Story of the Passion" A Catholic Moment. April 9, 2022 “Look down upon me, good and gentle Jesus, while before Thy face I humbly kneel…” So begins a traditional prayer of the Catholic Church, the “Prayer Before a Crucifix.” What is the image of Jesus you see when you kneel before a crucifix? Is it a simple, bare bones image of Christ in his pain? Or a gentler image that evokes tenderness with tears? Or is there an element of the glory to come in the dying Savior?

Fr Robert Ombres. "By Way of the Cross" Torch. September 6, 2021 Today’s gospel is demanding. It is demanding because it makes us think about ourselves at a deep level, and because it makes demands on us.

Fr. Lawrence Obilor. "Rejoice in His Merciful Love" A Catholic Moment. March 14, 2021 The Fourth Sunday of Lent is called Lætare (Rejoice) Sunday, from the first words of today’s liturgy. As on Gaudete Sunday in Advent, rose-colored vestments may replace violet, and flowers may grace the altar, symbolizing the Church’s joy in anticipation of the Resurrection of Our Lord.

Fr Oliver Keenan. "Looking Through" Torch. March 9, 2021 The Gospel points back to the time of the Great Exodus, when the Israelites were instructed to seek salvation from the pestilence of fiery serpents by raising their eyes to a bronze serpent, fashioned by Moses. Investing hope in works of art is a perilous business, as the Israelites would have remembered well from the incident with a golden calf. It was, after all, Moses himself who discovered this outbreak of idolatry as he returned from forty days and forty nights spent apart from the people, receiving the law on Mount Sinai. Idolatry here was sparked by fear, a great anxiety that Moses had abandoned the people, leaving them deprived of contact with the Lord.

Fr. Lawrence Obilor. "Do not leave your cross behind" A Catholic Moment. September 30, 2020 Today’s readings remind us that once we have decided to say yes to the Lord, then we should prepare to have it tough because it will never be easy. Yet it is in living the tough experience of faith that our true identity as disciples is defined.

Mary Ortwein. "Exaltation of the Holy Cross" A Catholic Moment. September 14, 2020 It is 312 AD. Constantine, Emperor of the Eastern Roman Empire, is about to do battle with Maxentius, Emperor of the Western Roman Empire. Before the battle begins, Constantine sees a vision of a flaming cross and hears the words, “In this symbol you shall triumph.”

Fr Richard Ounsworth. "The Power of the Cross" Torch. August 25, 2020 Jeremiah is perhaps the most obviously political of all the prophets of Israel. He lived in a time of huge political turmoil, surviving as he did the destruction of Jerusalem and her temple by the Babylonians, and being dragged off against his will – not to the Babylonian exile, but to Egypt, against his will, by a group of refugees.

Fr. Lawrence Obilor. "He reigns forever" A Catholic Moment. November 24, 2019 History will always remember the 20th century as the deadliest century that saw the manifestation of the beastly nature of man. It was characterized by wars, genocides and revolutions; and the bloodiest of all is the famous World War II. Many of us reading this piece are either victims of or bearers of the aftermath effect of the following horrible moments

Fr Andrew Brookes. "Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom!" Torch. November 21, 2019 The request of the dying thief, ‘Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom’ is remarkable. Jesus is enduring one of the most shameful forms of execution devised by human beings, surrounded by a hostile and mocking crowd. For sure, Jesus has a board above his head, on which is inscribed: ‘Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews’.

Fr. Lawrence Obilor. "It costs a lot to follow him" A Catholic Moment. September 8, 2019 The teachings of Christ are often incomprehensible with the logic of the human mind and the principles of the world. It’s as if his intention is always to toughen the path of his followers in order to make them true and authentic. Yes, Christianity is not a secular institution, and the gospel is not a mundane ideology. It is the imitation of the life of Christ, who won our salvation only through the way of the cross.

Chris Bodewes. "Twenty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time" Maryknoll Office for Global Concerns. September 8, 2019 Today’s Gospel can leave you thinking that being a disciple of Jesus is an impossibility. Who among us can hate the most cherished people in our lives, our families? But that is not what is meant by this passage. In Luke’s time, hating meant preferring someone to another. And it is very possible to take a preference for God, to give our relationship with God a certain priority over other people and things that vie for our time.

Fr David Goodill. "Gripped by Fear" Torch. April 17, 2019 Christ crucified is the one thing we have to preach, yet this one thing encompasses all. Fr. Matthew (Matty) Rigney O.P. once told me how as a young priest he was terrified to preach his first sermon. One of the older priests in his community helped him to overcome his fears; yes, preaching is terrifying, no one wants to tell people they have to be crucified with Christ. This is what we preach. Only by sharing in Christ’s death can we come to the glory of his resurrection.

Fr Aidan Nichols. "Cleaving the Darkness" Torch. January 9, 2019 For early Christians, the thought that their Lord had himself undergone baptism was disturbing, embarrassing and even scandalous.

Fr Richard Conrad. "Accomplished in Christ" Torch. November 14, 2018 Chapter 13 of St Mark’s Gospel begins with Our Lord foretelling the destruction of the Temple in Jerusalem.

Fr Peter Hunter. "Love's Response" Torch. March 29, 2018 I could never be a secular humanist. I have friends who are. I respect them, and can accept that they hold their views after thoughtful consideration but I cannot share their views and particularly their view of human progress.

Joseph LaCombe. "Take Up Your Cross" A Catholic Moment. September 3, 2017 Denying ourselves, sacrificing ourselves for the sake of others, bearing our daily crosses, and offering all of that up to God for the merits of others – not our own merit. I think about these things when I reflect on the readings for today. Jesus tells us that to follow Him, we must deny ourselves, take up our cross, and follow.

Fr Aidan Nichols. "Theophany" Torch. August 1, 2017 We keep today as a feast one of the two great ‘theophanies’ or appearances of the triune God in the life of Jesus as presented by the New Testament witnesses. The other is the Baptism of Christ, with which it has certain similarities. Both feasts have been more richly explored in the Christian East.

Joseph LaCombe. "The Good Thief" A Catholic Moment. November 20, 2016 I must say, I’ve been struggling a little with what to write about today, this Christ the King Sunday. I like to always try to find a personal aspect with which I can relate the readings to everyday life, and so I’ve been trying to think about what is relatable about recognizing Jesus as the King of the Universe?

Joseph LaCombe. "Check Your Baggage" A Catholic Moment. September 3, 2016 I remember back when I used to travel a lot for my job, all those hours going from airport to airport, slogging around my suitcase and my backpack, both of which seemed to be busting at the seams, filled with stuff. I always tried to maximize space, because I never wanted to check a bag and risk the airline losing it, or it being delayed in arriving at my destination, or having to wait at baggage claim after my flight, because I just wanted to get home.

Fr. Bruno Clifton. "The Burden of the Cross" Torch. August 31, 2016 In our intercessions at Vespers we pray, ‘give a new heart to those who have fallen from the practice of the faith; may they again find joy in Christian discipleship.’

Joseph LaCombe. "Pick Up That Cross" A Catholic Moment. September 12, 2015 I wrote last week about image. What image do you try to portray? Is it your own desired image, or do you try to uphold the image of Christ?

Kathy McNeely. "Exaltation of the Holy Cross" Maryknoll Office for Global Concerns. September 14, 2014 We all have our stories. These stories are shaped by our cultural experience, by what our parents teach us and by the way we choose to respond to the world around us. While living and working in Guatemala among indigenous Qeqchi’ people the stories I heard came to mind as I read today’s readings for the celebration of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross.

Fr. Fabian Radcliffe. "Creation's Binding Force" Torch. September 13, 2014 When you see a building with a cross on it, you know at once that it is a Christian Church. The Cross is the most widely recognised symbol of Christianity. The seven-branched candlestick stands for Judaism, and the crescent for Islam.

Fr. Aelred Connelly. "Beyond the Present Moment" Torch. August 30, 2014 I am writing this in late July. Today I was teasing my eighty-six year old aunt on the bus going up to the local hospital to visit my eighty-six year old uncle, her husband. You know you are getting old, when your nephew has a bus pass as well as yourself!

Fr David Sanders. "When I Am Lifted Up" Torch. April 18, 2014 Now today on Good Friday as we venerate the cross in the liturgy we may ask ourselves how in fact is the world redeemed, how are we saved? If Jesus was to heal the broken human world which we experience every day then he had to confront it and take it on at a profound level.

Maria Montello. "Good Friday" Maryknoll Office for Global Concerns. April 18, 2014 He is not a typical Cambodian man. The only time I saw him outside his house was when I passed him waiting on the corner for his granddaughter to come home from school. He would drop her off and walk her home every day, I later learned.

Fr Aidan Nichols. "Peace on Earth?" Torch. August 18, 2013 In today’s Gospel our Lord speaks of his coming sacrifice – his Passion and Death – and of how he just can’t wait until it has come and his ordeal has happened.

Fr Euan Marley. "Facing The Cross" Torch. April 6, 2012 When the first high rise flats were built in Britain, it soon became apparent that among the many signs of negligence in their design was that the lifts were too small to take coffins. To this day, undertakers often have to stand guard at the base of lifts, while the body is taken out in a body bag and hastily transferred to a coffin at the bottom. I think this was a significant oversight. Not just as a commentary on the mentality of these sort of buildings, but on a culture which had lost sight of death itself.

Fr Duncan Campbell. "A Disciple" Torch. March 18, 2012 In this Gospel we have Jesus talking in an unusual way to an unusual man. When we hear Jesus speaking, usually to crowds, it is loud and clear, even if he speaks always in parables. These are puzzles, simple stories, that we won't forget, but we have to grow to understand. John must have remembered this conversation with such an important person. The other occasion John remembered was the Last Supper discourse.

Fr David Goodill. "He Looks Down on the Earth" Torch. March 13, 2011 Last summer I climbed to the top of Cologne Cathedral and was rewarded with a stunning view of the city. This urge to climb seems to have been present in human beings for thousands of years, and the experience of looking down at the earth from a great height is one which takes us beyond the physical.

Fr Simon Gaine. "Facing the Challenge" Torch. September 5, 2010 Jesus has had his disagreements with learned scribes and Pharisees along the way to Jerusalem, while the unlearned crowds are still enthusiastically behind him. He speaks to them not to destroy their zeal, but to temper it with something more characteristic of his opponents. The crowds did not know what this road to Jerusalem meant for Jesus, nor did they know what following after him really means. Jesus wants to inform their zeal with a dose of learned realism, warning them that anyone who does not bear the cross and follow after him cannot be his disciple.

Fr David Rocks. "The Triumph of the Cross" Torch. April 2, 2010 This is a day of fasting and abstinence. A day of silence and desolation. And when we arrive at its hour of glory, we witness the drama of a coronation.

Fr Denis Geraghty. "'Good' Friday" Torch. April 10, 2009 When the evangelists write about the Passion of Jesus they are quite discreet. They do not go into any detail about the horrors of crucifixion and the terrible sufferings that it brings with it. Nor do they write simply that ‘Jesus died’. They write that he ‘breathed forth his spirit’. Then, at that moment, ‘the veil of the temple was torn in two from top to the bottom’. Not the outer veil but the inner one which exposed the Holy of Holies.

Fr. Theodore Taylor. "Keeping Company with the Lord" Torch. March 29, 2009 Jesus is near his end in the gospel of today. The acclamation of Palm Sunday is over and the crowds melt away. Jewish plotting for his arrest is stealthily working. What precipitates his words, 'Now the hour has come for the Son of Man to be glorified', is the approach for the first time in his ministry of Greeks (Gentiles) seeking him out. It was 'to gather into one the dispersed children of God' that Jesus was to die.

Fr Richard Ounsworth. "We Beheld His Glory" Torch. March 22, 2009 One of the most important words in St John's Gospel is 'glory'; right at the beginning we read that 'the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we beheld his glory, the glory as of a father's only son…' Jesus Christ is the revelation of the glory of the Father. And that glory is beheld especially when Christ is 'lifted up' on the cross. The kind of exaltation - of lifting up, of glorification - that belongs to Christ is humble submission to death by hanging upon a tree.

Fr. Leon Pereira. "One and Only Noble Tree" Torch. September 13, 2008 Why did Jesus have to die? And why did he have to be crucified? Some Christians have a pat answer: it’s because you are a sinner. And Jesus died to save you, a sinner.

Fr David Rocks. "A Crown of True Glory" Torch. August 30, 2008 Jesus’ foretelling of his death and resurrection follows on immediately from Peter’s declaration of Jesus as ‘the Christ, the Son of the living God’, which was read last Sunday.

Fr Richard Conrad. "The Promise of Eternal Friendship" Torch. March 21, 2008 Jesus’s death has saved us. But how? A single, neat explanation cannot exhaust something so awesome. Scientists use several models for an ordinary thing — an electron or an economy — since we cannot understand it through and through. The extraordinary event of God’s death in the flesh must defy comprehension!

Fr Richard Ounsworth. "Veiling and Unveiling" Torch. March 9, 2008 There are two strange ironies in today’s liturgy. First, as we enter the last two weeks of Lent, traditionally called ‘Passiontide’, and turn our minds in a special way to the suffering and death of Christ, it’s slightly odd that all the readings should be about Resurrection.

Fr David Sanders. "The Peace That Only Comes Through Fire" Torch. August 19, 2007 I know a church where they stopped using incense after they had fitted smoke alarms. Fire is dangerous but sometime you have to take a risk. Imagine what would have happened to our faith if Moses had used a fire extinguisher rather than venturing into the presence of God at the burning bush.

Fr Aidan Nichols. "Nowhere to Lay his Head" Torch. July 1, 2007 In the second part of today’s Gospel we learn that whereas foxes have holes and birds of the air have nests, the Son of Man has nowhere to lay his head. We might see this as simply a reference to Jesus’s itinerant life-style and to his poverty — poverty in the sense, at any rate, of dependence on the largesse of others (chiefly women is the impression St Luke gives in his Gospel). The novelist George Orwell once wrote an autobiographical memoir about sharing the life of tramps, ‘Down and Out in Paris and London’. Does this mean that the Son of Man was ‘Down and Out in Galilee and Jerusalem’?

Fr Peter Hunter. "Banishing the Shadows" Torch. April 6, 2007 Why did Jesus die? That’s a question that arises for us all today of all days. Often I think it gets its charge from a piece of mistaken thinking, as we’ll see in a minute, but there’s a good honest question at the heart of it which faces us with some uncomfortable but ultimately saving truths about ourselves, so let’s see if we can find at least part of the answer.

Fr John Farrell. "The Glory of Calvary" Torch. November 19, 2006 The end of the world has happened. The news is good. It is Good News.

Fr Robert Ombres. "What Happened on Good Friday?" Torch. April 14, 2006 Anyone who has been at a public reading or a dramatization of the Passion of Jesus Christ knows just how many separate parts there are. At the liturgy on Good Friday we will hear the Passion narrative according to St John, and of course the other Gospels give their own accounts of the Passion.

Fr Isidore Clarke. "The Royal Way" Torch. April 9, 2006 Palm Sunday is a mass of contradictions! It begins with a joyful procession of pilgrims, coming to Jerusalem to celebrate the Passover. That feast commemorated God delivering his people from slavery in Egypt. In each annual celebration God renewed his commitment to rescue his people from evil, and they renewed their commitment to him. In one such group of pilgrims the crowd proclaimed Jesus to be the son of David, who had come in the name of the Lord.

Fr Allan White. "The Silent Cross" Torch. March 25, 2005 The liturgy of Good Friday is one of the most ancient and the most stark of all of the Church’s ceremonies. Traditionally, there is no homily given on that day. Is that because on this penitential day the patience and ascetic spirit of the people of God is not to be tried by the kerygmatic enthusiasm of the clergy? Or is it rather that there are no words which can frame the mystery we celebrate: the death of God in the person of His Son; more than that, the murder of God by those who came to be through Him, for it was through Him that all things are made.

Fr Richard Ounsworth. "The Whole Story" Torch. April 9, 2004 One can hardly ignore the existence of Mel Gibson’s film of The Passion, and though it is by no means a perfect film, it does serve to highlight something about the suffering and death of Christ that is easily overlooked: it divides the world in two.

Fr Benjamin Earl. "The Sign of the Star" Torch. January 6, 2004 Our Christmas Crib is now complete: a star has risen in the east, and the magi have followed this sign, until it came to rest over the place where the child Jesus lay. The magi have come and worshipped the one who has been revealed to them as the new-born ‘King of the Jews’. It all makes a very picturesque tableau.

Fr Allan White. "Behold, your King!" Torch. November 23, 2003 The other day I saw what comes pretty close to the abomination of desolation.

Fr Richard Conrad. "Hail, Cross!" Torch. September 13, 2003 Today we unashamedly recall historical events. Encouraged by his mother, St. Helen, the Emperor Constantine had the sites of Our Lord’s crucifixion and resurrection excavated, and churches built over them. These were dedicated in September 335.

Fr David Sanders. "The Necessity of the Cross" Torch. April 18, 2003 Today the Church gets rid of the cross for a while. When we come to church the cross is veiled or even removed from the sanctuary.

Fr Richard Finn. "Parody or Reality?" Torch. April 13, 2003 The desire to be met with acclaim seemingly runs deep - to be hailed as liberators, the streets of Basra or Baghdad lined with cheering crowds. Across the centuries those who wield power also want the glory. Roman governors and emperors long ago made an art form of their entry into the cities of the empire. You can still see on the arch of Galerius at Thessalonika how the civic notables lined up outside the gates to greet the approaching emperor and his retinue.

Fr Martin Ganeri. "Life and Love, Death and Sin" Torch. February 17, 2002 On the Cross love was confronted by sin and death. This confrontation reached its climax on the day of Jesus’ death, yet the struggle between the forces of life-giving love and death-bringing sin began at the beginning of the world with the first generation of human beings.

Fr Timothy Radcliffe. "Stand Upright" Torch. December 3, 2000 In the last few weeks many people’s lives in England have been disturbed by floods, bringing chaos to their lives.

Fr. George Smiga. "" Building on the Word. About twelve years ago four pizza parlors opened within the same month on the same block in New York city. It soon became apparent that there would not be enough business on that block to support all four.

Fr. George Smiga. "" Building on the Word. Nobody wants to fail. None of us tries to make mistakes. All of us are embarrassed when we mess up.

Fr. George Smiga. "" Building on the Word. Only two of the four Gospels tell us anything about the life of Jesus between the time of his birth and his baptism.

Bishop Robert Barron. "God Returns to His Temple" Word on Fire. February 2, 2025 Friends, it’s easy enough to sentimentalize the Feast of the Presentation.

Bishop Robert Barron. "The Shepherd Has Arrived" Word on Fire. July 21, 2024 Friends, the readings for this Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time are interwoven with each other in a very interesting way.

Sally Neaves. "22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time" Australian Women Preach. September 3, 2023 Sally is the Integral Ecology Animator and Mission/Ministry Resource Coordinator for the Institute of the Sisters of Mercy of Australia and Papua New Guinea. As part of her role she oversees the Institute’s commitment to the Laudato Si’ Goals, especially eco-spirituality and hands-on climate and biodiversity projects in rural communities.

Fr. Juan P. Ruiz. "Who is Wearing the Crown?" Juan Point at a Time. November 22, 2022 Sometimes it seems easier to wear the crown than let it rest on Christ, but he is king of the universe and it is for love of us that he takes the crown upon himself.

Bishop Robert Barron. "Breaking, Singing, Pulling Away" Word on Fire. March 28, 2021 Friends, one of the best known stories in Western culture is the narrative of Christ’s Passion and death. However, this very familiarity can block our understanding of the account. What I want to do in this homily is to draw your attention to three odd details of Mark’s Gospel, each of which packs a punch spiritually.

Bishop Robert Barron. "Boasting in the Cross" Word on Fire. July 7, 2019 St. Paul tells us in our second reading that he boasts in the cross of Jesus. To any of his hearers in the first century this would have sounded like madness. Paul can boast in this shameful thing precisely because God has raised Jesus from death and thereby placed the world—the realm of hatred, violence, and division—under judgment. Now we must have the courage to leave the world and enter into the new creation, which is the Body of Christ.

Bishop Robert Barron. "Three Shortcuts from the Cross" Word on Fire. March 5, 2017 Our Gospel for the first Sunday of Lent covers the three “shortcuts” the Devil offered Jesus to lure him away from his central mission of the cross. The Devil chose these temptations because he knew that Jesus would not be primarily a social reformer, or a wonder-worker, or a political operator. He would be the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world. Knowing who Jesus is and what he is about is indispensable as we commence the Lenten season.

Bishop Robert Barron. "Three Aspects of Christ’s Kingship" Word on Fire. November 20, 2016 We celebrate, as the very last Sunday of the liturgical year, the Solemnity of Christ the King. Think perhaps of the way that a king would come last in a great formal procession: so this feast comes as the culminating moment of the Church year.What I should like to do in this sermon is to explore three dimensions of Christ’s kingship, one inspired by each of our three readings for today so that we might marvel at the sublimity of what a strange and surprising king he is.

Richard Rohr. "Scattered Insights from Three Readings" Center for Action and Contemplation. July 3, 2016

Bishop Robert Barron. "Venerating the Cross" Word on Fire. September 14, 2014 When we live in convenient darkness, unaware of our sins, we will never make spiritual progress. We need the light, however painful it is. Once that light reveals to us our sin and dysfunction, then we can rise. That’s what we discover on the cross of Jesus. We meet our own sin, and we also meet the merciful savior, who has taken that sin upon himself in order to swallow it up.

Richard Rohr. "Feast of the Holy Cross: How is the Cross any kind of victory?" Center for Action and Contemplation. September 14, 2014

Bishop Robert Barron. "The Awful Gospel of the Cross" Word on Fire. September 8, 2013 This week’s Gospel contains one of the greatest challenges Jesus ever offered to his disciples: “If anyone comes to me without hating his father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters, and even his own life, he cannot be my disciple.” Here Christ is emphasizing the great spiritual principle of detachment. In order to live healthy spiritual lives we must love Christ most of all, with everything else finding its meaning in relation to God.

Bishop Robert Barron. "The Triumph of the Cross" Word on Fire. September 14, 2008 We will understand the power of this feast only when we grasp how very strange it is to speak of the cross as a triumph. Paul’s great hymn in his letter to the Phillipians helps us to grasp how the cross fits into the narrative of God’s salvation.

Bishop Robert Barron. "There is No Chaining the Word of God!" Word on Fire. October 10, 2004 This week we once more hear from Paul’s second letter to Timothy. He writes to his young friend from prison, chained in place by the Roman authorities. But he boldly tells Timothy that there is no chaining the Word of God. This confidence in the power of God’s word is shared by all of the great saints up and down the centuries. John Paul II had it when he preached in his native Poland in the 1980’s, effectively unchaining an oppressed people.

Bishop Robert Barron. "Feast of Christ the King" Word on Fire. November 23, 2003 The final Sunday of the Liturgical year is dedicated to Christ the King.

Bishop Robert Barron. "A Ransom for the Many" Word on Fire. October 19, 2003 What does it mean to say that Jesus died for our sins? How precisely does his cross save us?

Bishop Robert Barron. "He So loved the World" Word on Fire. September 14, 2003 Today’s feast, the Triumph of the Cross, is one of those remarkable Christian paradoxes. To describe an unspeakably brutal execution as a “triumph” seems either a bad joke or plain madness. But we Christians delight in this odd juxtaposition of agony and ecstacy, because we know the deepest truth of the cross is God’s swallowing up of even the greatest sin. And so like Paul we glory in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ. How have you perhaps sensed the triumph of the cross in your own life?

Bishop Robert Barron. "Surely This Man Was the Son of God!" Word on Fire. April 13, 2003 Another homily from Fr. Robert Barron and Word on Fire Catholic Ministries.

Bishop Robert Barron. "The Wedding of Heaven and Earth" Word on Fire. January 14, 2001 When Jesus appears at the Wedding Feast of Cana, he signals the marriage of heaven and earth.

Luke 9:44 "Focusing on Jesus’ Passion" What does Jesus’ passion mean to us and are we praying enough on it?